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New Space Economy Expoforum

ESA at the New Space Economy European Expoforum

11/11/2019 4465 views 6 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA / Global Space Economic Forum

On 10–12 December in Rome, Italy, ESA is offering a special programme of events at the New Space Economy European Expoforum (NSE).

Participation in ESA's programme of events is free of charge. However, registration is mandatory to obtain an access badge.
To register, please send an email to

Participants will have the opportunity to exchange views on a wide range of topics with existing and new industrial players, innovative SMEs, investors, new ventures, start-ups, research centres, space agencies and institutions with interest in space.

The second edition of the Global Space Economic Forum takes place on 11 December. Register by sending an email to along with your contact information (Family name, First name, Company affiliation).

10 December: Space for Earth

9:30–16:15 Location: ESA booth

9.00–9.30 Welcome
Jan Wörner, Director General ESA

Future of Mobility
Innovative industrial projects in the fields of new mobility, 5G, urban environment and cybersecurity.

Karol Oparta, Heller
Massimiliano Ciaffi, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana
Rebecca Roberts, ATKearney
Moderator: Roberta Mugellesi, ESA


Optical wireless communication and testbeds for 5G.

Simon Roberts, University of Nottingham
Patrick Henkel, Anavs
Speaker: Alexandr Tardo, CNIT
Moderator: Amanda Regan, ESA


Security solutions in satellite navigation, resilient and sustainable critical infrastructure, satellite-based blockchain nodes

Oscar Pozzobon, Qascom
Ziheng Xiang, SpaceChain
Angelo Amodio, Planetek
Moderator: Laurence Duquerroy, ESA 


Urban Environment

Marco Esposito, Cosine 
Stefano Natali, Sistema 
Daniela Drimaco, Planetek
Jiri Novak, Space I CGI, CZ (InCubed)
Charlotte O'Kelly, Techworks
Moderator: Gordon Campbell, ESA

11 December: Global Space Economic Forum

10.30–16.00 Location: "Sala Aurelia"

10.30–10.45 Introduction, Eric Morel de Westgaver, Director of Industry, Procurement and Legal Services, ESA
10:45–11:00 Keynote SpeechGianpaolo Manzella, Undersecretary, Italian Ministry of Economic Development

Round Table: How to Integrate Space into Economy and Society
Projects from the Global Space Economic Workshop Events

Francois Spiero, Strategic Roadmaps Manager, CNES
Peter Weiss, Head of Space Department, COMEX
Susana Paixao-Barradas, Professor, Kedge BDS
Mario Musmeci, Navigation Specialist, ASI
Cristiano Cantoni, Head ATM Planning and Deployment, ENAV
Giuseppe Acierno, President, DTA
Moderator: Charlotte Mathieu, Head of Industrial Policy and Economic Analysis Section, ESA 


Economics of Science

Johannes Gutleber, Accelerator and Technology Sector Directorate Office, CERN


Round Table: Fostering Space Economy In Europe ESA_Lab: Cooperation between ESA and Universities

Pierre-Guy Amand, Director Advanced Technologies Propulsion, ArianeGroup
Andrea Sommariva, Professor, Bocconi University
Giuseppe Pascazio, Professor, Politecnico of Bari
Moderator: Isabelle Duvaux-Bechon, Head of Member States Relations & Partnerships Office,ESA


Inspirational Speech: Benefits of Space on Economy and Society

Samantha Cristoforetti, Astronaut, ESA


Round Table: Open Innovation

Roberto Cingolani, CTO, Leonardo
Herve Gilibert, CTO, ArianeGroupe (TBC)
Angelo Rigillo, Head of Innovation governance, intelligence and partnerships, ENEL
Riccardo Santoro, Manager Innovation Programs, Corporate Strategy, Plans, Innovation and Sustainability, Ferrovie dello Stato
Daniel Fürst,  Vice President External Relations, RUAG
Moderator: Luca del Monte, Head of Industrial Policy and SME Division, ESA


Smart Cities Challenges

David Da Torre, Managing Director Count+Care GmbH & Co. KG / Digitalstadt Darmstadt GmbH

16.15–16.30 ConclusionsEric Morel de Westgaver, Director of Industry, Procurement and Legal Services, ESA

11 December: Academia Supporting ESA in Strategic Reflections

9:30–12:00 Location: ESA booth



In the evolution of the space sector, ESA recognises the large benefit brought by exploring new perspectives and performing research with academia. Academia bring valuable external perspectives and a fresh eye on difficult questions. The outcome of their research is beneficial in the two ways; complex answers can be found and implemented by giving rigour and new perspectives to problems, while at the same time, synergies are exploited by bridging the skills and competences. These talks promote current initiatives and projects undertaken in the Agency with academic experts and will show how an agency can benefit from those fruitful partnerships.

Visit the ESA booth for this event.

Download the detailed programme here.

Moderator: Dr. Gianluigi Baldesi, European Space Agency



Measuring the demand for space applications unlocks the value created by the European Space Agency
Prof. Andrea Sommariva, SEE Lab, Bocconi University



“How Public Value can contribute to decision maker”

Dr. Rick Wylie, University of Central Lancashire, UK



“Unearthing Value Creation: towards Integrated Thinking @ ESA”

Dr. Fabrizio Grana', ESCP Europe
Prof. Cristiano Busco, Luiss Guido Carli University
Moderator: Dr. Gianluigi Baldesi, European Space Agency

11 December: Access to finance for space in Europe: Obstacles and opportunities for space companies

14:00–16:30 Location: ESA booth


Finance for Space: One-size Fits All? 

Eric Morel de Westgaver, Director of Industrial Policy and Legal Services, ESA
Tuomas Talvioja, CFO, Space Systems Finland
Giovanni Sylos Labini, CEO, Planetek Italia
Ernst Pfeiffer, CEO,  HPS Group; Speaker of the Association of German SMEs
Luca Rossettini, CEO and founder, D-Orbit
Luc Piguet, CEO and co-founder at ClearSpace SA, Switzerland
Annalisa Donati, researcher, ESPI
ModeratorJaroslav Toth, Innovation Finance Advisor, EIB Advisory


Financial Instruments, Due Diligence and ROI in the Space Sector

Milena Messori, Head of New Products and Special Transactions, EIB
Anne Bousquet-Kelecsenyi, Head of Corporate Finance, ArianeGroup
Gil Denis, Technology and Innovation Manager, Start-ups scouter, Airbus
Antonio Bartoloni, Head of industrial policy, Italian Ministry of Economic Development
Conor Sheehan, Commercialisation manager, Enterprise Ireland
Giorgio Tumino, Vega and Space Rider Development Programme Manager, European Space Agency
Moderator: Hans Braquené, Chair, SME4Space

12 December: Worldwide Competitiveness of European Space Industry

9:30–16:15 Location ESA booth



ESA’s toolbox to support a sustainable development of the European space industrial basis

Geraldine Naja, Head of Industrial Policy and Auditing Department, ESA
Luca del Monte,Head of Industrial Policy and SME Division, ESA
Jens Kauffmann, Head of the SME Office, ESA



Challenges and opportunities in the global space markets: an industrial perspective

Introductory remarks and ModeratorKim Schofield, Managing Partner, O2K
David Claridge, Leonardo
David Pile, Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems
Didier Manzoni, APCO-Technologies


Business Opportunities for European Space Industry in the UAE

Anas Zeineddine, Executive Director, Krypto Labs
Mohammed Al Beloushi, BAYANAT for Mapping
Mauro Marzocchi, Italian Industry & Commerce Office in the UAE
ModeratorKim Schofield, Managing Partner, O2K


Business Opportunities for European Space Industry in Australia

Peter Klinken, Chief Scientist of Western Australia
Caroline McMillen, Chief Scientist of South Australia
Greg French, Australian Ambassador to Italy
Moderator: Luigi Scatteia, Partner, PwC

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