esa-star registration process
Registration on esa-star – ESA’s System for Tendering And Registration – is mandatory for all entities not yet registered as potential tenderers, wishing to do business with ESA.
Guidelines to become a registered entity with ESA:
- Check whether your organisation is currently registered as an ‘Entity’ or a ‘Business Unit’ belonging to an existing entity;
- If not, you can register your entity by completing the ESA online questionnaire and submitting your entry for validation;
- Following this, you will have access to the features and services offered by esa-star.

- Please note, esa-star allows two levels of entity registration: ‘Light’ and ‘Full’. This allows new users wishing to do business with ESA to carry out their registration in two steps. A ‘Light’ registration will grant access to all esa-star services up to and including proposal submission. The award of ESA contracts requires ‘Full’ registration.