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Research Fellowship in Dispersed Media and Light Scattering - CLOSED ON 13.03.15

05/02/2015 2378 views 7 likes
ESA / About Us / Careers at ESA

A new position for a Research Fellow has now opened in the Directorate of Human Spaceflight and Operations at ESTEC.

The Science and Applications Division holds responsibility for the organisation of research calls within the European Life and Physical Sciences in Space programme (ELIPS) and the management of the whole research pool of ground- and space-based fundamental science, applied research and industry driven R&D projects.

Several of the projects endeavoured within the framework of the programme of physical sciences in space address fundamental questions of transitions and  self-organisation of matter from nanoscopic to mesoscopic scale.

In particular, the aggregation/crystallisation of colloidal particles, the nucleation of crystals from solutions, the time evolution of complex fluids, the organisation of nanoparticles in liquid films in emulsions and foams and their influence on the coarsening of these complex fluids currently are planned to be studied experimentally by international teams of scientists in the reduced gravity environment that prevails on board the International Space Station.

Several diagnostic techniques relying on light scattering are planned to be used and their implementation in different instruments is the subject of ongoing studies and developments by European industry.

The role of the applicant in the Physical Sciences Unit will be to work in close relation with the different science teams and monitor and advise on the instrument specifications, their bread-boarding and related testing and the development of engineering and flight models, analyse data and report/publish the results together with the science teams.

For more information about the position and how to apply, please see the link on the right. Applications must be submitted by 13 March 2015.

The Research Fellowship programme is open to suitably qualified women and men. Preference will be given to applications submitted by candidates within five years of receiving their PhD.

The Research Fellow Programme is open to nationals of the following states: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK, or Canada as a Cooperating State, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia and Slovenia as European Cooperating States (ECS).

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