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Participate in the design of space missions from 14-23 July

Summer School Alpbach 2015

10/03/2015 12324 views 5 likes
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Between 14 and 23 July students are invited to tackle scientific questions about quantum physics and fundamental physics in space.

Sixty European science and engineering students will be selected to participate in the Summer School Alpbach 2015 and split into four teams. Each will design a space mission to find out how satellite missions could help to develop and enrich quantum physics research and if future satellite missions could benefit from quantum physics.

Student teams will develop the design of their space missions to make discoveries in gravitational wave astrophysics and the verification of the fundamental principle of equivalence in Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Each team will present a short mission study to an expert review panel and the other teams, tutors and lecturers, on the last day.


The Summer School Alpbach is currently accepting applications from students and graduates from ESA Member and Cooperating States.

Application deadline: 31 March 2015.

Online application:

The Summer School is organised by FFG and co-sponsored by ESA and the national space authorities of its Member and Cooperating States. A traditional partner is the International Space Science Institute. It is also supported by Austrospace, the association of Austrian space industries and research institutions.

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