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Live discussion on space for healthcare after COVID-19

14/05/2020 3594 views 45 likes
ESA / About Us / Corporate news

Join us on Wednesday 20 May for a live streamed conversation with European experts on how space can help healthcare.

The coronavirus pandemic has challenged the world’s health systems. However space-enabled telemedicine is enabling medics to care for some patients remotely. These include people receiving critical care during a medical emergency as well as routine appointments for conditions such as pregnancy.

Guests during the live discussion will reflect on enhancing the resilience of the world’s health systems and how space can help during and after the COVID-19 pandemic on Earth.

Space for healthcare will take place at 17:00 CEST on 20 May. Watch live on ESA Web TV:

You can pose questions during the hour-long webinar using the hashtag #AskESA on social media by following ESA on Twitter or Facebook.

Guests include:

  • Vanessa Candeais, former Head of Global Health and Healthcare Industries, and Member of Executive Committee, World Economic Forum
  • Elisabeth Healey, former ESA Medical Doctor at the Concordia research base in Antarctica
  • Walter Ricciardi, Professor of Hygiene and Public Health Medicine at the Università Cattolica di Roma, Italy
  • Fabien Schneider, Senior Programme Manager for Telemedicine, Learning and Knowledge Production at Médecins Sans Frontières 
  • Jan Wörner, ESA Director General

The discussion will be moderated by Donatella Ponziani, Downstream Gateway Officer at ESA.

This is the second webinar in a series that started with:

Three more webinars are scheduled for next month:

  • 3 June at 17:00 CEST “Post-millennials education and social life”
  • 9 June at 15:30 CEST “Working efficiently, working remotely”
  • 15 June at 17:00 CEST “COVID-19: Reinvent your business model”