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Presenting ESA Web TV

22/10/2019 2960 views 76 likes
ESA / About Us / Corporate news

Tune in to ESA’s latest digital channel: ESA Web TV! This is ESA’s one-stop-shop for all live events from launches to lectures.

The continuous webstream offers programmes on European space activities from asteroids to zero gravity. Learn how ESA detects and manages space debris, see the latest from astronaut Luca Parmitano on board the International Space Station, and catch up with the weekly Earth from Space programme every Friday at 10:00 CEST.

Parlez-vous français? Sprechen Sie Deutsch? ESA Web TV offers programmes in a variety of languages, providing an overview of European space activities for the non-English speaker.

Programing on Web TV will be updated periodically, and new channels are foreseen to be added that tailor to different audiences or feature topic-specific content.

The channel complements ESA’s videos on demand where users can watch and download the latest video content from the Agency, as well as the videos for professionals were media and partners have access to extensive content for their own productions.

Watch today to learn how ESA is preparing for tomorrow!

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