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ESA Convention Booklets

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Latest version: 8th edition published in November 2019 as ESA SP-1337

The beginnings of an independent space organisation in Europe were in the early 1960s, with the creation of the European Launcher Development Organisation (ELDO) and the European Space Research Organisation (ESRO).

In 1975, a convention was concluded at diplomatic and ministerial level to set up one ‘European Space Agency’, effectively merging ESRO and ELDO. The new Agency’s remit not only covered launchers and science but also operational space applications systems such as telecommunications satellites.

Following the entry into force of the ESA Convention in 1980, the founding members were joined by Ireland later the same year, then Austria and Norway (1986), Finland (1995), Portugal (2000), Greece and Luxembourg (2005), Czech Republic (2008), Romania (2011) and Poland (2012). The latest to join were Estonia and Hungary in 2015, becoming the 21st and 22nd Member States.

This latest pocket edition has been updated to include the newest Member States. This supersedes earlier editions including SP-1271, SP-1300 and SP-1317.

SP-1337/DE: Übereinkommen und Geschäftsordnung des Rates der ESA
SP-1337/EN: ESA Convention and Council Rules of Procedure
SP-1337/FR: Convention de l’ASE et Règlement Intérieur du Conseil

In 2005, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Agency, we published the ESA Convention in the twelve languages used by the ESA Member States of that time. This version was issued for purposes of public communication only, and was not intended to contain any authentic version of the Convention. The main changes to the Convention since then are Financial Reform (FinRef) and the addition of new Member States.

SP-1300/DA: Konvention vedrørende oprettelsen af en europæisk rumorganisation
SP-1300/EL: I∆ΡΥTIΚΗ ΣΥΝΘΗΚΗ Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισµού ∆ιαστηµατος (ESA)
SP-1300/ES: Convenio de creación de una Agencia Espacial Europea
SP-1300/FI: Euroopan avaruusjärjestöä koskeva Yleissopimus
SP-1300/IT: Convenzione istitutiva di una agenzia spaziale europea
SP-1300/NL: Verdrag tot oprichting van een Europees Ruimte-Agentschap
SP-1300/NO: Konvensjon for oprettelsen av en europeiske romorganisasjon
SP-1300/PT: Convenção relativa à criação de uma agência espacial europeia
SP-1300/SV: Konvention angående upprättande av ett europeiskt rymdorgan

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