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10. Image processing exercise using LEOWorks

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ESA / Education



Inspecting an image

Start LEOWorks 3.0
Open the file LS7_190_31_09062001_B01.tif

Band 1, Landsat 7 image of Alban Hills
Band 1, Landsat 7 image of Alban Hills

To inspect the distribution of the pixel values in the image choose Histogram.

Histogram for LS7_190_31_09062001_B01.tif
Histogram for LS7_190_31_09062001_B01.tif

It is seen that the pixels have values in the range of 62 to 137. The pixel values are visualised in the gray scale image where pixel value 0 is shown as black and pixel value of 255 is shown as white. Therefore the image is gray with little contrast.

Choose View/Image Values to open a window with the matrix of the pixel values.

Matrix showing the pixel values of LS7_190_31_09062001_B01.tif. The area covered is the upper left corner which has pixel values
Matrix showing the pixel values of LS7_190_31_09062001_B01.tif. The area covered is the upper left corner which has pixel values

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