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Picture taken from the ISS with the new Astro Pi VIS

Our brand-new Astro Pis are now ready for students' experiments!

03/02/2022 3762 views 19 likes
ESA / Education / AstroPI

In brief

Our new Astro Piswere launched to the ISS on 21 December 2021 and are now fully operational!

The Astro Pis completed a commissioning process performed by technical experts on-ground along with ESA astronaut, Matthias Maurer, on the ISS. Some of their new functionalities were tested, giving us the opportunity to show you the very first pictures they took of Earth!


After the successful launch of our new Astro Pis (phew!), the computers were received on-station by ESA Astronaut Matthias Maurer, who performed a series of steps to prepare them for work. See the process and a message from Matthias to all the participants in Astro Pi below.

Matthias Maurer getting the new Astro Pis ready for students' experiments!
Access the video
Picture taken from the ISS with the new Astro Pi IR
Picture taken from the ISS with the new Astro Pi IR

Once the Astro Pis were set-up, each took a turn in the Node 2 nadir window, where they ran a program to collect a batch of images using their new cameras and lenses.

The teams participating in Astro Pi Mission Space Lab 2021-22 will receive a collection of these images, which can be used, if needed, to train a machine learning model and to get an understanding of the type of pictures they can expect to see when their own experiments result come in May 2022.

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