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Meet the team: Pragsat

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ESA / Education / CanSat
Teacher: Vladimir Vana
Team members: Ondrej Vrba (main engineer, wireless connection and data acquisition, electronic components and engineering, LabView programming, project scheduling and management), Jan Ruzicka (website administration, blogging, public relations, written communications, contacts with sponsors and media, project scheduling and management), Michal Prokop (AVR and ARM programming, PCB developing), Jan Jakubik (sensors and measurements analysis), Ondrej Piskacek – electronic components and engineering, Jakub Janovsky (LabView programming, sensors and measurements analysis),Vit Kalhaus  (modelling, building the case and the parachute),Karel Urban (desktop application programming), Dominik Stuj (desktop programming, code management, software testing), David Hajek (data analysis and processing, programming)
School: Secondary Technical School of Electronichal Engineering, Jecna
Country: Czech Republic

Description of the Cansat missions
Temperature, pressure, 3D acceleration,3D gyroscope and 3D magnetics will be recorded.

Progress Report 1:
Technical & innovative aspect - we will preferably use European components - We have been promised all of STMicroelectronics components we need. STMicroelectronics is an Italian-French Company with Development Center located in Prague. Temperature, pressure, 3D acceleration,3D gyroscope and 3D magnetics will be recorded. Recorded data will be saved on SD card and also will be transmitted to a ground station and stored as data files and calculated and displayed by National Instruments LabView Student Edition software.

Our team have presented the Cansat project in Schola Pragensis exhibition. We have published in Czech Practice Electronics Magazine.

Progress Report 2:
For the technical and innovative aspect we would prefer to use European components. We have been promised all of the STMicroelectronics components that we need. STMicroelectronics is an Italian-French Company with a Development Centre located in Prague.

Temperature, pressure, 3D acceleration, 3D gyroscope and 3D magnetics will be recorded. Recorded data will be saved on an SD card and will also be transmitted to a ground station and stored as data files and calculated and displayed by National Instruments LabView Student Edition software.

Our team has presented the CanSat project in Schola Pragensis exhibition. We have published in Czech Practice Electronics Magazine.

Visit the team's website.

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