ESA title
Living on another world

Explore the Moon Camp 2021-2022 Winning Projects

23/05/2022 3032 views 20 likes
ESA / Education / Moon Camp

In brief

This year, a record number of students took on the challenge to 3D design an innovative and futuristic Moon Camp to host future space explorers. The fourth edition of the Moon Camp Challenge involved the participation of 5649 pupils from 53 countries worldwide, including 24 from ESA Member States, Canada, Slovenia, Latvia, and Lithuania.


The European Space Agency, Airbus Foundation and Autodesk are delighted to announce the winning projects of the Moon Camp Challenge 2021-2022.

This year’s Moon Camp jury, a panel of ESA, Airbus Foundation and Autodesk experts in lunar exploration, 3D design, and space technology, were blown away by the impressive quality of the student’s projects.

Moon Camp design by team Killa Wintata, 1st place for Moon Camp Explorers
Moon Camp design by team Killa Wintata, 1st place for Moon Camp Explorers

Advenit Makaya from ESA is one of the jury members.

We feel the teams are demonstrating each year more and more interest in space science and engineering. They are following what we are doing here at ESA and they include some of our missions and technologies in their models. Some of these teams could be designing future space missions in just a few years.“

The jury members had the difficult task of selecting the three best entries from both ESA Member States and non-ESA Member States in the Moon Camp Explorers and Moon Camp Pioneers categories. All the entries were judged on their creativity and innovation, feasibility, quality of the 3D model and the adaptability of the design to the lunar environment.

“It is amazing how the design work from across the globe continues to excel and really does show that anything is possible when you give young people the correct tools, Tinkercad and Fusion 360, alongside a truly inspirational brief “, said Matthew Bell jury member representative of Autodesk.

Moon Camp design by team Here We Are Back ! 1st place for Moon Camp Pioneers
Moon Camp design by team Here We Are Back ! 1st place for Moon Camp Pioneers

The Moon Camp Challenge has three category levels. For the advanced Moon Camp Pioneers category, 156 teams involving 630 students across 17 countries, including 11 from ESA Member States and Canada, designed a complete Moon base using the complex 3D design tool Fusion 360. Teams came up with innovative ways to make a realistically sustainable Moon Camp fit for commercial, scientific, and/or tourist purposes.

Moon Camp design by team Hermaszewski Moon Camp, 1st place for Moon Camp Explorers
Moon Camp design by team Hermaszewski Moon Camp, 1st place for Moon Camp Explorers

For the intermediate Moon Camp Explorers category, 1137 students from 306 teams across 29 countries (including 17 from ESA Member States, Canada, Slovenia, and Latvia), designed a complete Moon base using Tinkercad. They were challenged to think about the technical aspects of their design, such as resource management, protection, and sustainability.

Moon Camp design by team Queen Cells, 1st place for Moon Camp Pioneers
Moon Camp design by team Queen Cells, 1st place for Moon Camp Pioneers

Moon Camp Discovery, the non-competitive category for 3D design beginners, saw the participation of 3882 students from 2135 teams across 48 countries. This year’s submissions included a wonderful array of 3D designed moon camps, rockets, lunar landers, lunar rovers, and orbital space stations, as well as a newly implemented category of space suits, created using Tinkercad.

ESA, Airbus Foundation, and Autodesk would like to congratulate all teams that completed the Moon Camp Challenge this year for their great work and would like to say a big thank you to all teachers, parents, and mentors who helped to support the students in their submissions. Well done!

Winning teams:

Moon Camp Pioneers (from 15 up to 19 years old inclusive)

ESA Member States, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, and Slovenia
1st place: Here We Are Back! – France
2nd place: Conatur Lunar – United Kingdom 
3rd place: Artemis – Romania

Non-ESA Member States
1st place: Queen Cells – China
2nd place: AH – China 
3rd place: Cos Callisto – Turkey

Highly commended project
Offensive lunar - China


Moon Camp Explorers (up to 14 years old inclusive)

ESA Member States, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, and Slovenia
1st place: Hermaszewski Moon Camp – Poland
2nd place: Polus Satus – United Kingdom 
3rd place: European Space Hotel – the Netherlands

Non-ESA Member States
1st place: Killa Wintata – Bolivia
2nd place: Utopia – India
3rd place: Kalpana – India

Highly commended project
Team 2022 - Portugal


The winning teams will get the chance to chat with an ESA astronaut in the Moon Camp webinar, stay tuned for further details.

You can explore all the Moon Camp projects at