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ESA / Education / Moon Camp

In the future, to enable astronauts to stay on the Moon for long periods of time, new infrastructures have to be developed to overcome important challenges. Such challenges include protection from radiation and meteorites, energy production, the extraction and recycling of water, food production and much more. The Moon Camp Challenge invites students to become Moon explorers and decode some of the complexities future astronauts may face.

Each team’s mission is to design a 3D Moon Camp able to sustain at least 2 astronauts and to include:

  • Use of local resources (e.g. lunar soil, water ice)
  • Technological solutions (e.g. power source, recycling system, food growth chamber)
  • Protection (from meteorites and radiation)
  • Living and working facilities for the astronauts.


Learn about the Moon before starting to design! Access the Moon Camp classroom resources.

Get started

Each team shall be composed by a minimum of 2 up to a maximum of 4 students and be supported by a teacher or mentor acting as the team’s point of contact with the ESA/Airbus Foundation Moon Camp team. The teacher/mentor has the responsibility of registering their team(s) for the Moon Camp Challenge. There is no limit to the number of teams a school or club can enter, but each student can only be part of one team, and each team can only submit one entry.

The Moon Camp challenge is open worldwide. Please refer to the guidelines regarding the additional eligibility criteria for teams from ESA Member and Associate States.

How to apply for the different Moon Camp categories:

Category 1: Primary school level – Up to (and including) 12 years old

Category 2: Secondary school level – From 13 up to (and including) 18 years old. Students younger than 13 years old are allowed to join a team in Category 2 if at least half of the participants are within the specified age range.

Note about age: the team members should be within the ages of each challenge by the deadline of submission for project entries (18th March 2019, 11:59 PM CET).

Under the direct coordination of Autodesk, the Moon Camp Challenge is also open for postsecondary level.


For questions regarding the project, please email @

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