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ESA / Education / Moon Camp

All teams that submit valid entries with an acceptable quality level, as evaluated by the Jury, will receive an official Moon Camp certificate by email.

For both Moon Camp’s Category 1 and 2 there will be two sets of winners: one set (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) for teams from ESA Member States and ESA Associate States* (ESA MS) and another set (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) for teams from non ESA Member States (non - ESA MS). In total, there will be 12 prizes.

Category 1 and Category 2 prizes


1st place for ESA MS and 1st place for teams from non-ESA MS

  • One 3D Printer per team
  • One 3D Printer for your school
  • One Webinar with an ESA astronaut (approximately 30 minutes)
  • One School Mentoring session from a space expert (approximately 60 minutes)
  • Goodies from ESA, Airbus, Autodesk
  • Use of your design as an example in ESA, Airbus, Autodesk trade show and conference appearances
  • Your design featured in the winner's gallery


2nd  place for ESA MS and 2nd  place for teams from non-ESA MS

  • One 3D Printer per team
  • One Webinar with an ESA astronaut (approximately 30 minutes)
  • One School Mentoring session from a space expert
  • Goodies from ESA, Airbus, Autodesk
  • Your design featured in the winner's gallery


3rd place for ESA MS and 3rd place for teams from non-ESA MS

  • One 3D printer per team
  • One Webinar with an ESA astronaut (approximately 30 minutes)
  • One School Mentoring session from a space expert
  • Goodies from ESA, Airbus, Autodesk
  • Your design featured in the winner's gallery

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