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Enthusiastic teachers at the ESA Autumn Teacher Workshop

From the Earth to the Moon – an educational journey at the ESA Autumn Teacher Workshop

16/10/2018 1062 views 17 likes
ESA / Education / Teachers' Corner

During World Space Week earlier this month, 50 primary and secondary teachers from different ESA Member and Associate States shared experiences and were inspired by space at the ESA Autumn Teacher Workshop. 

This workshop provided teachers with practical classroom activities and school projects that used various space themes to approach STEM subjects and interdisciplinary project work. Teachers met ESA experts and heard about current space sciences and learned about ESA’s future space exploration missions and emerging space technologies and how ESA’s Earth observation satellites are monitoring our planet. 

Happy teachers discovering Astro Pi
Happy teachers discovering Astro Pi

On the last day of the workshop teachers embarked on a voyage through space by attending the ESA Open Day 2018 which took place at ESA’s European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. During the Open Day teachers had the unique opportunity to visit the Test Centre, where satellites go through all necessary pre-flight tests, and meet ESA astronauts Paolo Nespoli, Thomas Reiter and André Kuipers, among other activities.  

 Exploring the properties of air
Exploring the properties of air

ESA wants to support you with novel ideas and resources to inspire and engage your students in STEM using space as a powerful learning context.

If you are a teacher and want to share a similar experience, stay tuned and look for the next ESA international teacher workshop opportunities. Applications open regularly on this website.