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Watch the live education inflight call with ESA astronaut Tim Peake on 14 April

06/04/2016 9047 views 64 likes
ESA / Education / Teachers' Corner

On Thursday 14 April,  ESA astronaut Tim Peake will connect live from space with teachers from Norway, UK, and Poland. Watch the live web streaming of the event on this page below. 

The livestream will start at 14:00 CEST (12:00 GMT, 13:00 BST). The inflight call will start at around 14:40 and will last about 20 minutes. Don’t miss it!

Tim Peake, currently living and working on the International Space Station (ISS), will answer teachers’ questions regarding STEM and space careers.

Primary and secondary school teachers and students, as well as space scientists and engineers, will gather at national events taking place at York, Warsaw, and Oslo, from where they will watch Tim on the ISS and interact with him live. The events are organised by ESA’s ESERO UK, ESERO Poland, and Nordic ESERO offices (the latter covering Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland).

ESERO Ireland has also organised a dedicated teacher event in Dublin around this occasion and will participate remotely.

The inflight call with Tim Peake is part of a vast range of educational activities delivered by the ESA ESERO project. There are currently 10 operational ESERO Offices across Europe, covering 13 ESA Member States. 

Together with ESA and national space agencies, the ESEROs design and disseminate classroom resources – all tailored to the national school curricula  - which make use of space to make teaching and learning of STEM subjects more appealing and effective. In addition, they offer teacher training workshops and conferences for both primary and secondary school teachers, and support educational hands-on projects in the country. Through their activities, ESEROs also promote the importance of space for society and raise awareness about STEM-related career prospects.



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