ESA title
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Enabling & Support

Explore how space supports daily life around the world

29/07/2020 3141 views 66 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Preparing for the Future / Space for Earth

Did you know that ESA works with businesses, non-profit organisations and policy-makers to improve life on Earth? We have launched a new interactive tool that you can use to explore many of the projects ESA is involved in to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out by the United Nations for a better and more sustainable future for all.

The knowledge that sends missions to far-off worlds and supports human life in orbit can, and must, make life better here on Earth as well. Satellite data, space technology and space applications are used to address issues in health care, education, climate change, human migration and much more.

ESA is providing the necessary tools to support economic growth, social development and environmental protection: from developing materials suitable for harsh conditions and using satellites to bring telemedicine and tele-education to remote locations, to boosting our understanding of the human body through biomedical experiments on the International Space Station and enabling search and rescue operations with satellites.

ESA is involved in hundreds of projects that contribute to achieving the SDGs. Our new interactive globe presents a wide selection of these under five different categories – people, prosperity, planet, peace and partnerships – that together cover the 17 SDGs. You can use the globe to discover projects, read about each one, and follow a link to find out more. It will be regularly updated with new projects.

“ESA’s Space for Earth initiative kicked off in 2008 to share knowledge of how space can support our daily lives and address challenges on Earth, as well as to foster acceleration of spinoffs, applications and services arising as a result of space programmes,” explains Isabelle Duvaux-Béchon, who leads Space for Earth as Head of ESA’s Member States Relations and Partnerships Office.

“It’s fantastic to see the huge number and variety of projects that have since been implemented across ESA programmes, and can be explored via our dedicated SDG project portal.”