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ESA at MAKS 2015 - Media opportunities

ESA at MAKS 2015 - Media opportunities


This year the European Space Agency will again be present at MAKS, the international aviation and space show held in Zhukovsky, near Moscow, 25–30 August.


MAKS provides a comprehensive insight into the achievements and future plans of the Russian aerospace industry. ESA has traditionally taken part in this important event. This year the ESA chalet will host a series of presentations given by ESA experts and bilateral meetings of Jan Woerner, the new Director General of ESA who took up duty on 1  July, with ESA’s Russian cooperation partners. Jan Woerner will be available for media representatives on two occasions:

  1. Tuesday, 25 August, between 15:30 and 16:30  
  2. Wednesday, 26 August, between 16:30 and 17:30


The Wednesday media opportunity will follow a joint Press Briefing with Igor Komarov, Head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, starting at 15:30

at the ESA Chalet.


Media representatives interested in interviews with the Director General of ESA are requested to write an e-mail  to and fill in the interview request form.


The programme of the relevant presentation at the ESA Chalet 5G-2 is as follows:



  25/8 Tuesday
  Presentations (ESA chalet)

René Pischel, ESA, Head of the Permanent Representation in Russia

9:30-10:15         ESA/Russia cooperation highlights

  26/8 Wednesday
  Presentations (ESA chalet)
  Thomas Reiter, ESA, Director of Human Spaceflight and Operations
 10:00-11:00     Overview of ESA’s strategic planning for human spaceflight and exploration
  Events (ESA chalet)
  15:30-16:00     Joint press briefing ESA Director General Jan Woerner and Roscosmos Head Igor Komarov
  27/8 Thursday
  Presentations (ESA chalet)

Giacinto Gianfiglio, ESA, ExoMars System Orbital Manager/ Deputy Project Manager
 9:30-10:30       ExoMars project status update

Jorge Vago, ESA, ExoMars Project Scientist
 11:00-12:00     The novel science of the ExoMars missions

Bérengère Houdou, ESA, Head of Lunar Exploration Office
 12:30-13:30     ESA/Roscosmos cooperation on lunar exploration

Denis Rebuffat, ESA, Head of the Solar System & Robotic Exploration Missions Section
 14:30-15:30     Phobos Sample Return - a joint ESA/Roscosmos sample return mission


  28/8 Friday – ESA Human Spaceflight day
  Presentations (ESA chalet)

Frank De Winne, ESA, Head of the European Astronaut Centre

10:00-11:00     European Astronaut Centre - the ESA hub for astronaut training

Frank De Winne
 11:30-12:30     Six months on board the International Space Station

Massimo Cislaghi, ESA, ATV-3 and ATV-5 Mission Manager
 14:00-15:00     The ESA ATV Programme - a successful story of long-term international cooperation involving ESA and Russia


ESA at the MAKS 2015 in images.