Name Tim's mission - competition details
This competition is now closed. The entries are being reviewed and the winner will be announced soon.
Send your proposal by 10:00 GMT (12:00 CEST) on 4 April 2014. The mission names are judged on merit alone and no weight is given to the time of submission.
ESA bears no responsibility for any delay or loss of entry.
The competition is open to all citizens or residents of ESA’s Member States. The winning name will become the official European name of Timothy’s mission and the winner will receive a signed mission logo.
The name should be a word or a short combination of words. Do not use a personal name, unless it is a mythological name with a commonly known symbolic meaning.
The proposal should be no longer than the equivalent of one A4 page, 12 pt, single space.
Please write your email and your full name in the form below.

By submitting the application, the applicant gives permission to ESA to publish their name, and gives to ESA all the rights to use the proposal for the purposes outlined in this announcement and for purposes related to ESA communications.
All submissions are individual. No group submissions will be accepted.
By submitting the proposal, the participant declares that it is their own work and is not copied from any other original work. ESA bears no responsibility for verifying the authenticity of the proposals.
For applicants below the age of 18, by submitting the proposal they confirm that a parent/legal guardian has been informed about the submission and agreed to it, taking into account the above conditions.
ESA staff members and contractors and their relatives are not allowed to take part in this competition.