Mission X - Train like an astronaut
Mission X: train like an astronaut is an international educational challenge that encourages students to train like an astronaut by completing physical and scientific activities. Lead by ESA Education and the UK Space Agency, and facilitated by the ESA ESERO network, Mission X uses the excitement of space exploration to inspire students to learn about science, nutrition, exercise, and space!

Teams of primary school students (8-12 years old) must complete activities to earn points and help the Mission X mascots walk to the Moon. Two sets of hands-on classroom activities support the challenge:
- Physical activities: which help students develop strength, endurance, coordination, and spatial awareness; and
- Scientific activities: which focus on STEM subjects and allow students to practice scientific reasoning and teamwork.
The activities have been developed with space scientists and fitness professionals working with astronauts and space agencies across the world, and are linked to curriculum science and physical education, with a clear focus on health and nutrition.

While the activities are available year round, the Walk to the Moon Challenge takes place annually from January – May. During the challenge, teams collect points for each activity completed to help the mascots, Luna and Leo, reach the Moon! Mission X is open worldwide and participants can register through a national registration system, accessible through the Mission X website. Please visit the website https://www.stem.org.uk/missionx
Now in its 10th year, Mission X continues to bring together international partners to collaborate on outreach, inspiring kids worldwide with an international vision for space exploration, as well as, addressing the global health issues of fitness and nutrition.