First press conference for ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst
ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst will meet the press for the first time on Thursday 9 July at 11:00 CEST at the European Astronaut Centre, Cologne.
Alexander Gerst has been accepted into the European Astronaut Corps after completing a selection procedure that started last year. He is making his first visit to the European Astronaut Centre, which will be his new home base from Tuesday 1 September.
The new ESA astronaut from Germany will be introduced by the Parliamentary Secretary of State and Federal Government coordinator for aviation and spaceflight, Peter Hintze, the ESA Director General, Jean-Jacques Dordain, the Chairman of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Prof. Johann-Dietrich Wörner, and the ESA Director of Human Spaceflight, Simonetta Di Pippo.
“A turning point for human spaceflight in Europe”
“We are at a turning point for human spaceflight in Europe. After the successful missions of the European Columbus laboratory and ATV Jules Verne, a new phase for the utilisation of the International Space Station is beginning,” explained Jean-Jacques Dordain in Paris when the selection of the six new astronauts was made. Simonetta Di Pippo added “The careers of these new astronauts will bring them to one of the ultimate challenges of our time: to go back to the Moon and to investigate even more destinations as part of a global exploration programme.”
Media representatives who wish to attend the event at the European Astronaut Centre are asked to complete the registration form and fax it by Wednesday 8 July to Jules Grandsire, ESA/EAC, Fax: +49 (0)2203 6001 112.
Arrival, Registration
Welcome, Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA Director General
Statement, Peter Hintze, Parliamentary Secretary of State and Federal Government coordinator for aviation and spaceflight
Spaceflight in Germany, Johann Dietrich Wörner, Chairman of the German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Statement, Simonetta Di Pippo, ESA Director of Human Spaceflight
Introduction of Alexander Gerst
Q&A Session
Tour of the European Astronaut Centre
Lunch break
Opportunity for interviews
Registration form
ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst will meet the German press for the first time on Thursday 9 July 11:00 CEST at the European Astronaut Centre
European Astronaut Centre
Linder Höhe, Cologne
9 July 2009
10:30 CEST
First name: _________________________________________
Surname: _____________________________________________
Media organisation: ___________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Tel: ________________________ Fax: _____________________
Mobile: ___________________ Email: ____________________
Return the accreditation form by fax or email to:
Jules Grandsire
Tel: +49 (0)2203 600 12 05
Fax: +49 (0)2203 600 11 12
Email: Jules.Grandsire @