ESA title
Science & Exploration

Watch the return to Earth of Samantha Cristoforetti and crewmates

44717 views 135 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Futura

Watch live as ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, NASA’s Terry Virts and commander Anton Shkaplerov return to Earth.

After 200 days on her Futura mission, Samantha’s time in space is over. Live coverage of the landing starts at 13:00 GMT /15:00 CEST.

First the astronauts enter their spacecraft and close the hatch, before separating Soyuz TMA-15M from the International Space Station. When the trio slowly back away from the Station at around 10:20 GMT they will be travelling at 28 800 km/h relative to the ground. After around three hours they will have come to a full stop, on the Kazakh steppe.



A timeline in Greenwich Mean Time can be found below the live stream; add two hours for Central European Summer Time. Not all steps will have live video.

06:55 Hatch closing
10:20 Undocking
12:51 Engines fire for deorbit 
13:18 Soyuz modules separate 
13:28 Parachutes open 
13:43 Landing

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