ESA title
Aleksandr Lazutkin
Science & Exploration

Aleksandr Ivanovich Lazutkin

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Mission Odissea - F. De Winne - english

Back-up Flight Engineer for the Odissea Mission

Cosmonaut of Yu.A. Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre

Personal data

Born 30 October 1957 in Moscow. Married with two children. Hobbies are sport and astronomy.


Graduated from Moscow Aviation Institute with a mechanical engineering degree.


Worked as a research scientist with MAI. Since 14 November 1984 he worked as an engineer with NPO Energiya.

Selected as a cosmonaut on 3 March 1992.

Back-up crew for Soyuz TM-23 and TM-24 missions to Mir

Spaceflight experience

From 10 February 1997 to 14 August 1997, Flight Engineer of the Mir-23 mission. Spent 184.92 days in orbit.

Currently assigned as back-up Flight Engineer to the 5S taxi-flight crew scheduled for launch to the International Space Station on 28 October 2002.