Taking 3D printing into the metal age
ESA is set to showcase complex printed parts made of metal that can withstand temperatures at 1000°C – fit for space and the most demanding applications on Earth. Join an international panel of experts from the biggest consortium ever in ‘additive manufacturing’ in Europe on 15 October in the London Science Museum, UK.
ESA and the EU, together with industrial and educational partners, are developing the first large-scale production methods to 3D-print with metal. 3D printers are expected to revolutionise the way we live but until recently they could work with only plastic, which is not very useful for many industrial applications.
This novel technology offers many advantages. 3D printing, formally known as additive manufacturing, can create complex shapes that are impossible to manufacture with traditional casting and machining techniques. Little to no material is wasted and cutting the number of steps in a manufacturing chain offers enormous cost benefits.
The AMAZE project – Additive Manufacturing Aiming Towards Zero Waste & Efficient Production of High-Tech Metal Products – began in January and factory sites are being set up in France, Germany, Italy, Norway and the UK to develop the industrial supply chain.
Programme (UK times):
09:30 Doors open
10:00–10:05 Welcome by Dr Nick Cox, Head of Technology, UK Space Agency
10:05–10:10 ESA and AMAZE, Franco Ongaro, Director of Technical and Quality Management, ESA
10:10–10:25 Project AMAZE, David Jarvis, Head of New Materials and Energy Research, ESA
10:25–10:40 Steven Cowley, Director of the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy
10:40–10:50 Jonathan Meyer, Additive Layer Manufacturing Research Team Leader, EADS Innovation Works
10:50–10:55 David Wimpenny, The Manufacturing Technology Centre and De Montfort University, UK

10:55–11:00 Hilde Løken Larsen, Head of Research and Development Activities, Norsk Titanium AS, Norway
11:00–11:05 Stewart Williams, Director of Welding Engineering and Laser Processing Centre, Cranfield University, UK
11:05–11:30 Questions
11:30 End of programme
The panelists will be available for questions and individual interviews.
Director’s Entrance
Science Museum London
Exhibition Road
London SW7 2DD
United Kingdom
For further information:
Rosita Suenson, Communication Programme Officer for Human Spaceflight
Email: rosita.suenson@esa.int
Tel: +31 71 565 3009
ESA Media Relations Office
Email: media@esa.int
Tel: +33 1 53 69 72 99