ESA title
Preparing the P120C solid rocket motor
Enabling & Support

Space Transportation and industry

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ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Transportation

Supporting European industry has always been an important part of ESA’s strategy. When an Ariane or Vega launch vehicle heads into space more than 12 000 Europeans, working in more than 100 European companies, can be proud of having contributed to such an impressive event.

In 2003, after decisions made by the ESA Council, the roles and responsibilities of the public and private sector were redefined to achieve a better balance between the two sectors:

  • The design, development and manufacture of launchers is carried out by a number of industries throughout Europe. A single industrial prime contractor for each launch vehicle is responsible for the whole process.
  • Arianespace, the European space transportation company linked to ESA by a Convention, is in charge of executing the operational launch vehicle exploitation phase, including procurement from the launcher system prime contractor, and the marketing and launch of launchers.
  • ESA is responsible for the overall management of launcher programmes by making the best use of the skills available in the national space organisations of ESA Member States.


These measures have streamlined operations, improved transparency and prevented duplication.

Ariane 6 who makes what infographic
Ariane 6 who makes what infographic

Furthermore, in 2014, the decision of ESA Council at Ministerial level on the development of Ariane 6 was accompanied by a change in the governance of the European launcher sector, which is now based on a more balanced sharing of responsibility, cost and risk from design to exploitation by ESA and industry.

This gives industry considerably more responsibility in designing the new launch vehicle, managing the industrial organisation, determining the needs of commercial customers and exploiting the product commercially. In turn, industry is required to contribute to the development costs and to increase its accountability in the commercial exploitation.

The new governance approach significantly contributed to delivering an Ariane 6 to the launch pad with the same launch capability but at 50% of the cost of the current Ariane 5.

The ESA Member States that contribute to ESA’s Space Transportation programmes are also involved in the manufacture of Ariane and Vega launch vehicles. They benefit from their investment in the programme through contracts awarded to their space industry.

Boost! for new space transportation services

Boost! – ESA's Commercial Space Transportation and Support programme welcomes new ideas
Boost! – ESA's Commercial Space Transportation and Support programme welcomes new ideas

Through Boost!, ESA promotes new commercial European space transportation service projects for competitiveness, growth and innovation.

Targeting access to space, in-space and return from space capabilities, Boost! partners with European service providers and provides expertise, test facilities, co-funding and more. This supports new emerging innovative technical solutions and services targeting European and global markets.

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