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#Sentinel2Go launch event at ESOC

03/03/2017 12654 views 60 likes
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Copernicus / Sentinel-2

Live from ESA’s Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany: follow the event to celebrate the launch of the second satellite for the Copernicus  ‘colour vision’ mission, Sentinel-2.


The second in the two-satellite mission, Sentinel-2B, is set for launch from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana on 7 March at 01:49 GMT (02:49 CET).

During the event at ESOC, 100 selected social media participants from across Europe, official guests, ESA Earth observation experts and the new generation of Copernicus data users will follow the launch in an informal and interactive setting. Exchanges will take place around four thematic corners on: ‘Land and food security’, ‘Space technology, operations and business trends’, ‘Sea and coastal areas’ and ‘Cities and society’.

In this new mission launch event spirit, everyone is invited to follow the event hashtag #Sentinel2Go and to join these debates on the leading channels (such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Instagram).

The live webstream will begin at 00:30 GMT (01:30 CET) and end at 03:00 GMT (04:00 CET).

Programme (all times in CET):

1:30 Event begins


Pier Paolo Emanuelli, Flight Operations Director (FOD)


Welcome addresses

Rolf Densing, ESA Director of Operations
Philippe Goudy ESA Head of Earth Observation Projects


‘Roll Call’ at mission control

Pier Paolo Emanuelli, ESA FOD


Overview of the Sentinel-2 mission

Bianca Hoersch, ESA Sentinel-2 Mission Manager


Presentations on land and food

Marcus Sindram, GAF
Sophie Bontemps UCL
Christoph J Kellner, visual artist
Selma Cherchali, CNES
Anne Schucknecht, JRC
Mátyás M. Rada, ETC/ULS
Riazuddin Kawsar, Spacenus
Carmen Tawalika, Mundialis


Update from the Main Control Room

Juan Piñeiro, Deputy Flight Operations Director


'Spaceship Earth'

Thomas Reiter, ESA astronaut


Presentations on space technology and business

Tanja Nemetzade, Airbus DS
José Morales, ESA
Miguel Such-Taboada, ESA
Ferran Gascon, ESA
Olivier Colin, ESA/GS


About the Vega launcher

Davide Nicolini, ESA


Follow live coverage from launch site in French Guiana

Final countdown
Liftoff at 02:49:24 CET
Vega ascend phase


'Spaceship Earth'

Thomas Reiter, ESA astronaut


Presentations on city and society

Juliane Huth, DLR/DFD
Clémence Kenner, SIRS
Sara Aparicio, ESA


European Commission

András Roboz, EU Commission


Presentations on space technology and business

Sascha Heising, FabSpace 2.0
Hinnerk Gildhoff, SAP ECD
Grega Milcinski, Sinergise


Update from the Main Control Room

Juan Piñeiro, Deputy Flight Operations Director


Emergency and Science

Emanuele Barreca, EU Commission


Presentations on sea and coast

Craig Donlon, ESA
Anne O'Carroll, Eumetsat
Lionel Zawadzki, CLS
Vittorio Brando, CNR
Sara Aparicio, ESA
Bianca Hoersch, ESA


Follow live coverage from French Guiana

Separation at 03:47:21 CET
Acquisition of signal at 03:47:44 CET 


Update from the Main Control Room

Pier Paolo Emanuelli, ESA FOD


Success speeches

Luc Fabreguettes, Arianespace Vega Project Manager
Jan Woerner, ESA Director General
András Roboz, EU Commission
Davide Niccolini, ESA
Bianca Hoersch, ESA
Rolf Densing, ESA
Philippe Goudy, ESA


End of moderated event

Musical interlude

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