ESA title
Sentinel-5P SocialSpace

Join us for #Sentinel5P launch

18/09/2017 6920 views 62 likes
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Copernicus / Sentinel-5P

Are you passionate about our planet and interested in how satellites help to improve everyday lives and do you share your passion via social media? Then ESA’s next SocialSpace event is for you.

With the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite set for liftoff on 13 October at 09:27 GMT (11:27 CEST), we are inviting 25 social media users to apply to join us at the launch event at ESA’s European Space Research and Technology Centre in Noordwijk, ESTEC, the Netherlands.

It will be the place to be to enjoy the launch of Sentinel-5P. Invitees will have an exclusive insider's look at the incredible science, engineering, applications and businesses behind Copernicus, the world’s biggest Earth observation programme, and meet the experts who are making it happen.

Don’t miss your chance to snap, post, tweet, blog and share this experience with the world.

As a Sentinel-5P launch SocialSpace participant, you will have the opportunity to: meet ESA and European specialists on atmospheric monitoring, air pollution, receive special briefings and updates from ESA’s test centre experts, follow the launch via live video feed from Russia’s Plesetsk Cosmodrome, and join a behind-the-scenes guided tour of ESTEC, ESA’s technical heart.

For active social media users

This event is designed for people who: have a keen interest in our planet and how satellites gather data, are active on multiple social media channels, platforms and tools to share information, regularly produce new content and make, share and reuse images, audio and video, can reach audiences using their social media channels and at offline venues such as presentations at schools, universities and clubs, and have previous postings that are respected and accurate.

Dates, times and venue

The SocialSpace will be held on Friday 13 October and start at 06:15 GMT (08:15 CEST). It will be held in ESTEC, about 35 km from Schiphol Airport and a 30-minute bus ride from Leiden.

How to apply

Apply online here

Be sure to include your name, social media account(s), contact information, and, importantly, a few words explaining why you are interested in attending the event.

For extra credits, you are also asked to make a short video (10–30 seconds) to tell us what it means to be a ‘precursor’ in social media, in life, in space and post it in one of your accounts and provide us with the URL. This is not compulsory but highly recommended. Please take into consideration that if your video or feed (e.g. Instagram) has a private setting, ESA will not have access.

Applications may be submitted for one person only and are non-transferable. Please do not submit multiple applications. All applicants must be at least 18 years old on 13 October 2017.

Please read the full Terms and Conditions before completing your application.

Wifi access and lunch will be provided. Individual participants are responsible for all other travel, accommodation or miscellaneous expenses. The event will be held in English. Questions can be answered in a several languages depending on availability of experts.

The application deadline is 25 September 2017 at 10:00 GMT (12:00 CEST).

Selection and invitations

Once all applications have been reviewed, an invitation email with confirmation information and additional instructions will be sent to the selected participants and to those on the waiting list no later than 29 September. We will keep you posted of progress via @Social4 Space.

On Twitter, follow: @Social4Space, @esa_EO and @esaoperations, and visit the SocialSpace blog for the latest news. The official hashtag for the mission and for the SocialSpace event is #Sentinel5P.


Send queries to or tweet using the hashtag #Sentinel5P

About Copernicus

Copernicus is the most ambitious Earth observation programme to date. It provides accurate, timely and easily accessible information to improve the management of the environment, understand and mitigate the effects of climate change and ensure civil security. This initiative is headed by the European Commission in partnership with ESA.

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