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Watch live: EO Open Science

22/09/2017 2928 views 24 likes
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth

Follow the EO Open Science conference via live webstream from ESA’s establishment in Italy, 25–28 September.


The EO Open Science 2017 conference aims to explore new challenges and opportunities for satellite Earth observation research created by the rapid advances in information and communications technologies. This includes open tools and software, data-intensive science, virtual research environment, citizen science and crowdsourcing, advanced visualisation, e-learning and education of the new generation of Earth observation and data scientists

Live webstream programme (all times in CEST):

Monday 25 September

09:00–09:30    Introduction
09:30–11:00    Artificial intelligence
11:00–11:30    Break
11:30–13:15    Data analytics, part 1
13:15–14:15    Break
14:15–15:45    Data analytics, part 2
15:45–16:50    Break
16:50–18:00    Lightning talks

Tuesday 26 September

08:30­–10:30    Thematic Exploitation Platforms, part 1
10:30–11:15    Break
11:15–13:15    Thematic Exploitation Platforms, part 2
13:15–14:15    Break
14:15–15:45    Data cube
15:45–16:35    Break
16:35–17:35    Lightning talks

Wednesday 27 September

08:30–10:30    Open data and tools, part 1
10:30–11:15    Break
11:15–13:15    Open data and tools, part 2
13:15–14:15    Break
14:15–16:15    Open data and tools, part 3
16:15–17:00    Break
17:00–18:15    Lightning talks

Thursday 28 September

08:30–10:30    Education and communication
10:30–11:00    Break
11:00–13:15    Visualisation and virtual labs 
13:15–14:15    Break
14:15–16:00    Summaries and roadmap

For more information and a complete programme, visit