Enabling & Support
Swiss contributions on-board the ExoMars rover
ExoMars 2018 - The ExoMars rover
An accurate visual and spectral characterisation of the surface of Mars is fundamental to establish the geological context at the sites that the Rover will visit.
This can be complemented by electromagnetic and neutron subsurface investigations, which will further contribute to understand the depositional environment (e.g. sedimentary, volcanic, Aeolic). Knowledge of the geological history of past water environments constitutes a necessary step in the search for traces of past or present signatures of life on Mars.
Data from the novel suite of instruments on-board the ExoMars rover will help scientists to conduct a step-by-step exploration of Mars, beginning at panoramic (metre) scales and progressively converging to smaller (sub-millimetre) studies, concluding with the molecular identification of organic compounds.
A significant number of investigators from all over Switzerland contributed to the scientific and technological development of the ExoMars rover. In the comparison tables below you can find a listing of instruments which are part of the suite of instruments on-board the ExoMars rover. Contributions from Switzerland are written in bold letters.