The following is a list of studies/reviews carried out by the CDF.
Year | Title | Customer/Sponsoring Organisation |
2025 | ODYSSEY: A preliminary design of an Orbital Propellant Depot to meet future exploration needs. | STS-FKL / STS |
Mars Naiad: A mission and spacecraft design for a potential future LightShip Passenger Mission. | HRE-FE / BA Preparation Element | |
Solar System Internet (SSI) Pathfinder: A mission to demonstrate networked space communication and an optical trunk link between Earth and Moon. | OPS / BA Preparation Element | |
2024 | Antichthon L3: A mission and spacecraft design to inform future program planning and continuity of space weather data provision, complementary to the Vigil mission. | OPS-SW / BA Preparation Element |
Plasma Observatory (PMO) Station Keeping: A study on the station-keeping strategy of the daughter spacecraft in the Plasma Observatory mission. | SCI-FMP / BA Preparation Element | |
AURORA-C: A MiCRA study assessing the Aurora Constellation. | OPS-SW / BA Preparation Element | |
Gateway Cargo Return: Addressing architecture gaps within the Gateway Sample Return mission. | HRE-FE / BA Preparation Element | |
RILOC: A mission and spacecraft design for the In-Orbit Demonstration Mission and assessment of potential constellation configurations. | D/NAV / BA Preparation Element | |
CLEARSPACE-1: A CDF activity to support the CleanSpace-1 IOD Mission Phase A/B1 | OPS-SC / Clean Space Office (OPS-SC) | |
SWANS - SWArms of Nano-Satellites: Innovative mission concepts enabled by swarms of CubeSats, including AltiCube+ and COMCUBE-S. ESA - One step closer to a CubeSat swarm mission |
TEC-SPC / BA Preparation Element | |
LIVIA: A LEO-PNT pre-operational In-Orbit Validation mission. | NAV-F / BA Preparation Element | |
OpSTAR - Optical Synchronized Time And Ranging: An optical ISL demonstrator for PNT purposes. ESA's NAVISP Programmes | NAV / BA Preparation Element | |
LUMOS - LUnar MOnitoring System. A mission and spacecraft design for the identification, detection, and tracking of artificial objects and fragmentation debris in the cislunar domain | OPS-S/BA Preparation Element | |
ERASE - activE RemovAl of EumetSat's mEtop.The objective of this study is the removal of uncooperative METOP-1 debris, while also evaluating the possibility of removing the still operational METOP 2 and 3 satellites.This study was carried out with the new CDF study formula - named RAPID - Rapid Approach for Preliminary Investigation of space-mission Design. | OPS-S/BA Preparation Element | |
MEDaL - Mars Advanced Entry Descent and Landing. Assessment study of a mission and spacecraft design for an advanced entry descent and landing mission to Mars | HRE-E /BA Preparation Element | |
2023 | AVATAR-MINI ECLSS. Feasibility study on a payload service subsystem concept as a European contribution to the NASA AVATAR payload, intended for delivery and operation on the lunar surface | HRE-LL/BA Preparation Element |
SWORD - Space Weather Orbital Radiation Detector. Assessment study of a mission for monitoring the radiation belt from a Geo-transfer type orbit. | OPS-S/BA Preparation Element | |
ETDS-2 - Enceladus and Titan Definition Study-2. Following previous studies to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, further iterations have been carried out focusing on a surface element on Titan. | SCI-FMP/BA Preparation Element | |
CALICO - proposes to perform in-situ investigations of the organic and ammoniated materials and salt deposits on the dwarf planet Ceres, potentially offering insights into whether Ceres provides or provided the conditions to support life | SCI/BA Preparation Element | |
Plasma Observatory - is a multi-spacecraft mission to study the coupling of fluid and ion scales within astrophysical plasmas in near-Earth space, advancing the knowledge of particle energisation and energy transfer. | SCI/BA Preparation Element | |
HAYDN - is an asteroseismological mission focused on homogenous, controlled large samples of stars in order to provide calibrators for several aspects of fundamental astrophysics, fostering the understanding of stellar physics and the internal structure of stars, inaccessible with other techniques. | SCI/BA Preparation Element | |
THESEUS - is a multi-instrument mission for transient astronomy, with focus on Gamma Ray Bursts, aiming at the exploration of the high-redshift Universe through studies of the explosions of the first massive stars and the identification of GW counterparts. | SCI/BA Preparation Element | |
M-MATISSE - aims to study Mars as a global dynamic system using a 2-spacecraft configuration, targeting atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere-solar wind interactions, and aiming to disentangle spatial and temporal effects on various processes driving the Martian system. | SCI/BA Preparation Element | |
ARRAKIHS would perform observational tests of the ΛCDM model, making deep multi-band exposures of ultra-low surface brightness galaxies, enabling detailed and systematic studies of extended galaxy haloes. | SCI/BA Preparation Element | |
HICE - Human Inspirator Co-engineering | HRE, STS/BA Preparation Element | |
EnForce - European synergies for in-space nuclear propulsion | STS- FL, TEC-MP/STS | |
Argonaut-1 - CDF study on the Argonaut Artemis Missions in support to the Argonaut-1 Mission definition and industrial (pre)PhA/B1 studies preparation. | HRE | |
MARCONI PATHFINDER - Providing the initial nodes of the first dedicated communication and navigation constellation of satellites at Mars, providing infrastructure for future Mars missions to rely on for high data rate communications and increased navigation capability. | HRE/BA Preparation Element | |
2022 | MATHES - Mars Transit Habitat Environmental Control and Life Support Systems and Crew Habitation Systems | HRE-E/BA Preparation Element |
ETDS - Enceladus and Titan Definition Study. This study focussed on the Saturn system, the moons of Titan and Enceladus. | SCI-FMP/BA Preparation Element | |
STERLING-6G assessing the mission concept of a SixTh gEneration wiReless space-based Laboratory powered by artificial INtelliGence. | TIA-TFE/BA Preparation Element | |
ZERO DEBRIS - Definition of recommendations for the applicability and implementation of the Zero Debris approach on future ESA projects - CDF MiCRA | OPS-S/OPS | |
VULTURE - VenUs fLoaTing platform architectURE study - CDF MICRA | BA Preparation Element | |
ISRU Pilot Plant (FFC Electrolysis) - In Situ Resource Utilisation Pilot Plant for the Production of Oxygen on the Moon | HRE/BA Preparation Element | |
PREPARING SPACE TRANSPORTATION FOR 2030+ - Analysing a set of in-flight demonstrations to prepare a shared vision of space transportation for 2030+ in Europe | STS/STS-C | |
SATIS - Assessment of a potential CubeSat mission to asteroid Apophis during its close approach to Earth | OPS-SP/BA Preparation Element | |
MARCONI - MArs COmmunication and Navigation Infrastructure | HRE-E/BA Preparation Element | |
Hybrid Power Systems Study-2 - HPSS-2 - Study to assess the technical and programmatic feasibility of a "hybrid power" system for planetary missions with focus on Jupiter | SCI-FMP/BA Preparation Element | |
GENESIS-1 - Collocation of Geodetic Techniques in Space | NAV-P/BA Preparation Element | |
POLESTAR - Polar Outpost for Lunar Energy, Science and Technology Assessment and Research | HRE-R/BA Preparation Element | |
Hybrid Power Systems Study - HPSS - Study to assess the technical and programmatic feasibility of a "hybrid power" for planetary missions | SCI-FMP/BA Preparation Element | |
2021 | Lunar Caves - SysNova Study aiming to explore Lunar caves and perform scientific observations, covering different elements of potential mission scenarios, together with 2 consortia | HRE/BA Preparation Element |
S3-NG TOPO PHASE 2 - Sentinel 3 Next Generation Phase 2 - Concept Study for an Earth Observation Topography constellation focusing on 2 concepts: a Mini Altimeter and a Hybrid Wave Observation Single Satellite | EOP/BA Preparation Element | |
FAHRENHEIT - First mArs High-resolution Regional Environmental monitoring Network for Human Exploration-related climate Investigations and dust Transport | HRE/BA Preparation Element | |
NEOMIR - Near Earth Object Mission in the Infra-red - is a mission to investigate a space based telescope for NEO observations | BA Preparation Element | |
BioMoon - this CDF study focuses on answering fundamental and applied biological questions on the Moon | HRE-E/BA Preparation Element | |
ARMADILLO - Accessing Resources on MArs, Drilling Ice and Looking for Life and Organics | HRE-E/BA Preparation Element | |
OPS-SAT-2 - Re-assessment of Cubesat In-Orbit Demonstrator for Operations (OPS-SAT-1). The main objective of the mission was to carry In-Orbit Demonstration experiments designed to answer the operation needs of future missions and the study was to design a flexible platform in terms of on-board software resources in which experiments could be uploaded and executed. |
OPS-OS/BA Preparation Element | |
DRACO - Demisable Satellite Mission - is a proposed re-entry mission to provide demonstration of and key information to the Design-for-Demise (D4D) framework. | OPS-SC/BA Preparation Element | |
ALO - Assessment of an Astrophysical Lunar Observatory on the far side of the Moon - ALO aims at providing the capability to image the entire sky extending down two orders of magnitude below bands accessible to ground-based radio astronomy. | HRE-E/BA Preparation Element | |
ECSM - The European Charging Station for the Moon mission located on the moon surface aims at providing power in the frame of the international lunar exploration architecture. | HRE/BA Preparation Element | |
SE&ES - Space Environment & Effects Satellite - A single IOD Platform, integrating new technologies, is proposed for further assessment within a CDF MiCRA. | TEC/BA Preparation Element | |
2020 | Polar Explorer - aiming at landing scientific instruments, technology demonstrator payloads and a prospecting rover on the moon to carry out specific investigations | HRE/BA Preparation Element |
ELCANO - European LEO cubesats/microsats Constellation for Augmentation of Navigation and Other services | NAV/BA Preparation Element | |
S3-NG TOPO PHASE 1 - Sentinel 3 Next Generation Phase 1 - Concept Study for an Earth Observation Topography constellation focusing on 3 concepts: A Swath Altimeter, a Wave Observation Follower and a Single Satellite combining both options | EOP/BA Preparation Element | |
MBSE Demonstrator Study - to connect existing MBSE developed tools addressing phases 0/A/B1 and identify gaps to explore towards digitalisation adoption | TEC-CD09/BA Preparation Element | |
LCNS - Lunar Communication and Navigation Systems | HRE/BA Preparation Element | |
TINKER - StarLink Constellation reverse - engineering to explore promising platform technology developments that ESA could fund to promote European industry competitiveness | TEC/BA Preparation Element | |
ELAINE - European gLobal Artificial Intelligence-driven cogNitive nEtwork | TIA/BA Preparation Element | |
Margarita - MARs next-Generation Assessments Reviewing an Interplanetary Transfer Abode | HRE/BA Preparation Element | |
Cargo Platform Element - CPE to investigate the capability of European Large Logistic Lander (EL3) to interface with a variety of logistic elements via a Cargo Platform Element (CPE). | HRE/BA Preparation Element | |
AMACS - Advanced Manufacturing technologies for nanosat/cubesats for production of benefits and TRL raising purposes - CDF MICRA | TEC/BA Preparation Element | |
SMARTiES - Small Mars mission ARchiTecture Study | HRE/BA Preparation Element | |
LAGRANGE REASSESSMENT - LAGRANGE REASSESSMENT LGR-RA L5 - Lagrange Mission Re-Assessment | OPS/BA Preparation Element | |
GEOBS - Medium/High Resolution Earth Observation Mission in GEO Feasibility | EOP/BA Preparation Element | |
Moon Village - Conceptual Design of a Lunar Habitat | DG/BA Preparation Element | |
2019 | JOICE – Joint ESA/JAXA ISS Experiment to measure molecular contamination | BA Preparation Element |
Blue Worlds – MiCRA Roadmap for Mediterranean Countries space requirements | BA Preparation Element | |
EPIG – European probe to Ice Giants Uranus and Neptune | SCI/BA Preparation Element | |
Ice Giants 2 – Orbiter and probe for Ice Giants mission | SCI/BA Preparation Element | |
F Mission – To intercept a dynamically new comet or interstellar object | SCI/BA Preparation Element | |
OMAR – MiCRA On-orbit manufacturing and recycling | OPS/BA Preparation Element | |
HyperTIR – Evaluation of Aerospacelab smallsat constellation | BA Preparation Elements | |
NEOCam – Telescope to detect and characterise NEO threats | BA Preparation Element | |
ISREP – MiCRA Satellite reliability estimating guidelines | OPS/BA Preparation Element | |
SINPA – MiCRA Exploiting lunar regolith for sintering | HRE/BA Preparation Element | |
Comet Interceptor 2 – To intercept a dynamically new comet or interstellar object | SCI/BA Preparation Element | |
DIVE – MiCRA Design for demiseability tests and guidelines | OPS/BA Preparation Element | |
HYBE – Hibernation and torpor for deep space missions | HRE | |
RHCAM – Lunar ascent element | HRE | |
CLTV – MiCRA For cis-lunar transfer vehicle | HRE | |
Return – Deorbit of Sentinel using modified Vega upper stage | EOP | |
SAGA – Cryptography using quantum key distribution in space | IPL | |
2018 | VEGA Standardisation - MiCRA Study | GSP |
M* Ice Giants - Assessment of Orbiter or Probe for Neptune or Uranus | SCI | |
EnVision - M5 Assessment of Mission to Venus | SCI | |
RGE - Rover Garage Element for Lunar ISRU Studies - MiCRA Study | HRE | |
THESEUS - M5 Assessment of Transient High Energy Sky Surveyor | SCI | |
SPICA - M5 Assessment of Cryogenic Infrared Telescope for ESA?JAXA Mission | SCI | |
ATHENA SIM - Phase A and B1 Continuation of ATHENA | SCI | |
MSR - Mars Sample Review - Reviews and Phase A/B1 work | HRE | |
ISRU Technology Demonstrator - Design of Components for Lunar ISRU | HRE | |
QPPF - Quantum Physic Study to Test Quantum Superposition Theory | SCI | |
ISRU Pilot Plant - In-Site Resource Utilisation of Lunar Regolith for Oxygen Production | HRE | |
LiteBIRD - Next Generation measurement of Polarisation of Cosmic Microwave Background | SCI | |
Sunna Wedra Review - Review of Solar Flare Mission | DG/GSP | |
Lunar Comms - Assessment of Lunar Communications and Navigation Constellation | TIA/GSP | |
VMMO - SysNova Award Winner - Cubesat to map volatiles in permanently shadowed are of Lunar Pole | GSP | |
LUMIO - SysNova Award Winner - 12U Cubesat to observe, quantify and characterize lunar meteoroid impacts | GSP | |
2017 | SVV - Space Servicing Vehicle (Space Tug Concept) - Clean Space Initiative | GSP |
SPP - Small Planetary Probes - Mothercraft and Swarm of Nanosats to Investigate Small Planets and Asteroids | SCI/GSP | |
ARCTIC - Investigate proposals for Space System Architectures Related to Arctic Activities | GSP | |
LUCE - SysNova Competition Winner | GSP | |
ISRU MMO - In-Situ Resource Utilisation - Moon Mission of Opportunity | HRE | |
LISA Payload - Payload Definition Study Pre Phase A | SCI/GSP | |
GAIA NIR - Infra Red Full Sky Survey as Follow On Mission to GAIA | SCI/GSP | |
e.Inspector - Clean Space Iniative to Image Envisat in its Current Orbit | GSP | |
LISA - Cosmic Vision L3 Mission - Laser Interferometer Space Antenna | SCI/GSP | |
Design2Produce - Cross Cutting Iniative looking at New and Disruptive Technologies for Future Space Missions | GSTP | |
MARGO - Standalone Interplanetary Cubesat Mission Assessment | GSP | |
ATHENA FPM - ATHENA Focal Plane Module - Follow Up from ATHENA Study | SCI/GSP | |
2016 | ALASCC - Assessment of Airborne Launch of Spacecraft Constellation | LAU/GSP |
SHAME - Assessment of Space Hardware Advanced Manufacturing Engineering | TEC/GSP | |
MSR Carrier - Mars Sample Return Carrier Mission | HRE/GSP | |
EHEV - Assessment of European Human Exploration Vehicle | HRE | |
COUPLED - SysNova Concept Study of CubeSat Opportunity Payload Internetworking Sensors (COPINS) | GSP | |
AIM PRR - Combined Industrial Preliminary Requirements Review | GSP | |
AIM iSRR - Combined Industrial Intermediate System Requirements Review | GSP | |
2015 | SpectroCube - NanoSat Astrobiology/Chemistry mission for HEO | GSP |
Global-V - Instrument study for future Chinese Space Mission | BELSPO | |
CTH-B - Cis Lunar Transfer Habitat Bus | HSO/GSP | |
SMILE - Assessment of Payload Module for Joint ESA/CAS Mission | SRE/GSP | |
XIPE - Assessment of X-ray Telescope Mission as part of Cosmic Vision M-Class Selection | SRE/GSP | |
HAPI - SysNova Winner - Atmospheric Measurement of Nitrogen Dioxide using Nanosatellite Constellation | GSP | |
ORORO - SysNova Winner - Radio Occultation and Reflectometry with Nanosatellite Constellation | GSP | |
ARIEL - Assessment of Infrared Exoplanet Large Survey Mission as part of Cosmic Vision M-Class Selection | SRE/GSP | |
THOR - Mission to Explore Plasma Energisation in Space Turbulence as part of Cosmic Vision M-Class Selection | SRE/GSP | |
PRIDE - Assessment of Innovative Space Vehicles | LAU | |
HERACLES - Human/Robotic Lunar Partnership Mission (HRLPM2) | HSO/GSP | |
d.Deorbit - Joint ESA/DLR Assessment of In-Orbit Demonstrator | TEC/GSP | |
CLEP - Assessment of a Europa Moon Penetrator | SRE/GSP | |
CLEO - Assessment of a Jovian Moon Flyby Mission | SRE/GSP | |
Vega 3S - Launch Configuration for Small Satellites with Vega Launcher | LAU/GSP | |
2014 | MEX14 OCDT Demonstration and Development Study | GSP |
HRLPM - Human Robotic Lunar Partnership Mission | HSO-KS/GSP | |
SAOCOM PRR - Preliminary Requirements Review | EOP | |
SULTAN - System of Systems Study ISR Capability Study | GSP | |
HEMS1 - Explorations Scenarios | HSO/GSP | |
e.Deorbit PRR - Preliminary Requirements Review | GSP | |
NGCryoTel - Assessment Study for Next Generation Cryogenic IR Telescope | SRE-PF/GSP | |
ATHENA - X-Ray Telescope Assessment Study | SRE-PF/GSP | |
AIM3P - Asteroid Impact Mission Payload Investigation | GSP | |
MarsFAST - Assessment of Rapid Rover for Mars | SRE-PF/GSP | |
MAPPER RDV - Assessment of Rendezvous Alternative for MAPPER | HSO-IL/GSP | |
AIM3 - Asteroid Investigation Mission to Characterise Binary Asteroid Didymos | GSP | |
PHOBOS SR - Assessment of Sample Return Mission to Phobos | SRE-PF/GSP | |
EC2ETS - European Contribution to Two Exploration Transportation Systems | HSO | |
AVUM ADR - Assessment of Active Debris Removal Using AVUM Upper Stage | GSP | |
MAPPER - Assessment of Lunar Polar Sample Return Mission | HSO-IL/GSP | |
2013 | SAOCOM CS Companion SAR in Formation with Argentian SAR | EOP/GSP |
FMRD - Flown Mission ReDesign - CDF Calibration Study | TEC/GSP | |
D4D - Design for Demise ( MiCRA for Clean Space) | CSI/GSP | |
METOP - Assessment Study for METOP SG Deorbit Options | EOP/GSP | |
CoBRA - Contactless Earth-Bound Modification using Chemical Propulsion - Winner of ESA SySNova Competition | GSP | |
SPADES - Solid Propellant Autonomous Deorbit System | CSI/GSP | |
2012 | CHEOPS - Characterising Exoplanet Satellite (Cosmic Vision small class mission) | SRE/GSP |
e.Deorbit - Assessment of feasability for controlled deorbit of Envisat | Clean Space/GSP | |
e.SAT - Electric Propulsion for Telecomm Satellites | TIA | |
AGILE 2 - Extended Advanced Galileo Injection Using Electric Propulsion | NAV-EF | |
MMSR A5 - Moons of Mars Sample Return Using Ariane 5 | SRE-PA/GSP | |
KuaFu - Space Weather, 2 small satellites | SRE-FP/GSP | |
OPS SAT - In-Orbit Demonstrator CubeSat | HSO-OPS/GSP | |
Envisat DA - Envisat Deorbit Analysis | DG/GSP | |
AIM - Asteroid Impact Mission | PPG-PF/GSP | |
ILS - Interplanetary Life Support MiCRA | DG-PF/GSP | |
ADI - Asteroid Deflection by Ions Siroco MiCRA | DG-PF/GSP | |
DDI - Ion Beam Shepherd MiCRA | DG-PF/GSP | |
Exploration Scenarios Final Roadmap Review | HSF-EA/GSP | |
2011 | IXV EVO - Assessment of Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle Evolution | LAU-SNX |
MMSR - Moons of Mars Sample Return | SRE-PA/GSP | |
MNSM - Mars Network Science Mission | SRE-PA/GSP | |
Marco Polo R - Sample Return from NEA | SRE-PA/GSP | |
ICPA Phase 2 - ISR Capability Pack Assessment Study | ESA/EDA/GSP | |
LOFT - Large Observatory for X-Ray Timing | SRE-PA/GSP | |
VAC - Post ATV Derivative Concept | D/HSO/DG/GSP | |
AGILE - Alternative Trajectories for Galileo | NAV-EF | |
EU LISA - Europe only version of LISA mission | LISA Project/GSP | |
ECHO - ExoPlanet Observatory | SRE-PA/GSP | |
COMPSAR - Passive Companion for Sentinel 1 | EOP-SF/GSP | |
STE QUEST - Space Time Explorer and Quantum Equivalence Test | SRE-PA/GSP | |
Exploration Scenarios Comparative Review | HSF-EA/GSP | |
ICPA Phase 1 - ISR Capability Pack Assessment Study | ESA/EDA/GSP | |
NEMS - Manned Mission to Near Earth Asteroid | GSP | |
Envisat DO - Deorbit Mission | EOP-PEL/GSP | |
PHOEBUS - High Speed Reentry Demonstrator | TEC-MPA/GSP | |
2010 | COMPLEX - Technology, Exploration, Demonstration | DG-P/GSP |
MREP ASR - Mars Atmosphere Sample Return | DSRE/GSP | |
STE - Space Time Explorer | DSRE/GSP | |
RAiDS - Radiation Assessment in Deep Space | DG-P/GSP | |
PEP - Venus Planetary Entry Probes | DSRE/GSP | |
PEP - Saturn Planetary Entry Probes | DSRE/GSP | |
PEP - Uranus Planetary Entry Probes | DSRE/GSP | |
PEP - Neptune Planetary Entry Probes | DSRE/GSP | |
NGL SYS - Next Generation Launcher System | DLAU | |
R2D3 - Rendezvous and Refuelling Demonstrator | DG-P/GSP | |
LUMETTO - Lunar Mapping and Exploration Technology | DG-P/GSP | |
NGL IA - Next Generation Launcher Innovative Avionics | DLAU | |
PLATO DE - Design Evolution | DSRE/GSP | |
Exoplanets | DSRE/GSP | |
Alpha A - Building Block European Launcher | DLAU | |
ADS-B - Automatic Dependant Surveillance Broadcast | DTIA | |
2009 | Nanosat | DTEC/GSP |
IXO Telescope | DSRE/GSP | |
Space Situational Awareness(SoS) | DG-P/GSP | |
MarsGEN | DSRE/GSP | |
MarsREX | DSRE/GSP | |
MiniMEX | DTEC/GSP | |
MarsLEV | DSRE/GSP | |
De-Orbit | DTEC/GSP | |
Automated Identification System (AIS) | DTIA | |
MoonSAV | ESA Human Space Flight/GSP | |
MoonNext DSR | ESA Human Space Flight/GSP | |
Meteron | ESA OPS | |
2008 | Mars Electric Propulsion(MEP) | DTEC/GSP |
Marco Polo - Near Earth Object | ESA Science/GSP | |
Euclid - Dark Energy Study | ESA Science/GSP | |
AirQualSat - Model (AQS) | DTEC/GSP | |
SPICA/SAFARI Telescope | ESA Science/GSP | |
XEUS - Xray Telescope | ESA Science/GSP | |
LaPlace - Jupiter Moons Study | ESA Science/GSP | |
Tandem - Two Probe Mission to Titan | ESA Science/GSP | |
Space Exploration Architecture | ESA Human Spaceflight | |
Sentinel 5 Precursor | EOP/GSP | |
Slush - Densified Propellant | DLAU | |
Xray Telescope (IXO) | ESA Science/GSP | |
Accurate | EOP/GSP | |
2007 | Air Traffic Management Demonstration Payload (ATMDP) | Telecom/GSP |
System-on-Chip (SoC) | DTEC/GSP | |
Near Earth Object Monitoring(SANCHO) | ESA Advanced Concepts Team/GSP | |
Jupiter Radiation Study (JURA) | ESA Science | |
Cosmic Microwave Polarisation Mapper(CMPM) | ESA Science | |
Comsat for Air Traffic Management (IRIS) | TEN-A | |
Lunar Sample Return (LSR) | ESA Human Spaceflight | |
Mars Technology Demonstrator (MARSNeXT) | ESA Human Spaceflight | |
Near Earth Object Review (DQS) | ESA Advanced Concepts Team/GSP | |
Nuclear Thermal Rocket Propulsion (NUM) | LAU-PAD/GSP | |
Vegetation Gap Filler (VGT) | DTEC/GSP | |
Transiting Exoplanet Survey- PLATO (Cosmic Vision) | ESA Science/GSP | |
Earth Plasma Study - Cross Scale (Cosmic Vision) | ESA Science/GSP | |
Space Exploration Architecture (AES) | ESA Human Spaceflight | |
2006 | RAM Electric Propulsion (RAM EP) | DTEC/GSP |
In Orbit Demonstrator(IOD) | DTEC/GSP | |
European Students Moon Orbiter(ESMO) | ESA/GSP | |
Small Geostationary Telecommunication Satellite(SGEO) | ESA/TEC Telecommunications | |
Don Quijote Mid-Term Review | DTEC/GSP | |
Configuration REvisit Targeting Europa (CRETE) | ESA Science | |
Wireless Technology for Spacecraft(WiFLY) | DTEC/GSP | |
Long Term Cryogenic Propulsion (LTCP) | DTEC/GSP | |
Far Infrared Interferometer(FIRI) | ESA Science | |
Wide Field Interferometer(WFI) | ESA Science | |
Review of Europa Industrial Studies (REIS) | ESA Science | |
Cross-Track Scanner Microwave Radiometer (XMWR) | ESA Earth Observation | |
2005 | Lunar Robotic Mission (LES 3) | ESA Exploration |
Jupiter Entry Probe (JEP) | ESA Science | |
Formation Flying (PROBA 3) | DTEC/GSP | |
Space Alternative Energy Storage Systems (SPAESS) | ESA Advanced Concepts Team | |
VEGA 1 Payload | DLAU, DTEC & Education | |
Near Earth Objects (NEO2) | ESA Advanced Concepts Team/GSP | |
Lunar Cargo Transport System (LES CTS) | ESA Exploration | |
BeagleNet | ESA Exploration | |
Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle (HLLV) | ESA Launchers/GSP | |
2004 | Near-Earth Objects Precursor Mission (NEO) | ESA Advanced Concepts Team/GSP |
Lunar Exploration Study 1 (LES) | ESA Exploration | |
Atmospheric Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) | ESA Human Spaceflight | |
Mars DemoLander 2 (MDL) | ESA GSP | |
X-ray Evolving-Universe Spectroscopy 2 (XEUS) | ESA Science | |
PASTEUR - Industrial Phase A mid term review | ESA Aurora | |
X-ray Evolving-Universe Spectroscopy 1 (XEUS) | ESA Science | |
Sub mm Wave Instrument (SWI) | ESA GSP/Technical Directorate | |
Europa Low Resource Radar (ELRR) | ESA Science | |
Mars DemoLander 1 (MDL) | ESA GSP | |
VEGA evolution with electric propulsion (E-VEGA) | ESA Technical Directorate/Launchers/GSP | |
ExoMars Phase B preparation - Specifications | ESA Aurora | |
Mars Sample Return (MSR) - Industrial Phase A mid term review | ESA Aurora | |
Solar Orbiter 2 - Composite option pre-assessment | ESA Science | |
Human Mission Russian review | ESA Aurora | |
ExoMars - Industrial Phase A mid term review | ESA Aurora | |
Entry Vehicle Demonstrator (EVD) review | ESA Aurora | |
Human Spaceflight Vision (HSV) - European man-tended Moon base | ESA Human Spaceflight | |
Socrates - Reusable launcher demonstrator | ESA Launchers | |
Human Missions to Mars | ESA Aurora | |
2003 | KEO review | ESA GSP |
International Microgravity Plasma Facility (IMPACT) | ESA Human Spaceflight | |
AeroCapture Demonstrator Earth and Mars | ESA Aurora | |
Mars Sample Return | ESA Aurora | |
Mars Network Science - Probe network on Mars surface | ESA Science | |
Crew Transportation Vehicle (CTV) - Soyuz design enhacement | ESA Human Spaceflight | |
Crew Transportation Vehicle (CTV) - Model and validation | ESA GSP | |
P Band Sounder Instrument design for Antartica (P-Sounder) - First CDF IDA | ESA Earth Observation | |
2002 | ISS Droplet Combustion Insert (DCI) - Support to industrial Phase A | ESA Human Spaceflight |
Rosita - Telescope accommodation outside Columbus module | ESA Human Spaceflight | |
EXOMARS 09 DM - Mars Exobiology Descent Module | ESA Aurora | |
EXOMARS 09 - A second Mars Exobiology mission design | ESA Aurora | |
BepiColombo All-SEPM Delta Study - Reaching Mercury with electric propulsion | ESA Science | |
BepiColombo - Review of industrial studies | ESA Science | |
Mars Exobiology - European mission to search for life on Mars | ESA Aurora | |
Mars Exobiology - Review of the Babakin Study | ESA Aurora | |
2001 | ISS Dusty Plasma Facility - Support to industrial Phase A | ESA Human Spaceflight |
Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle (STEP)- Review of industrial study | ESA Science | |
EUROPA - Preliminary assessment | ESA GSP | |
Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) - Review of industrial study | ESA Science | |
Space Weather - Three elements service monitoring the solar-terrestrial environment | ESA GSP/Technical Directorate | |
Laser Interferometer Space Antenna - Review of the industrial study | ESA Science | |
Ocean Earth Watch - Operational mission for ocean and coastal zone monitoring | ESA Earth Observation | |
2000 | Hyper Precision Atom Interferometry in Space | ESA Science |
STORMS - 3x Constellation for Magnetosphere Storms | ESA Science | |
MASTER - Mars and Asteroid Mission | ESA Science | |
Eddington - Stellar Physics and Planet Finder Telescope | ESA Science | |
World Space Observatory (WSO/UV) | ESA Science | |
Mercury Surface Element (MeSE) | ESA Science | |
Meteo Imager Sounder Satellite (MISS) | ESA Earth Observation/Eumetsat | |
1999 | Solar Orbiter - Study of the Sun and Inner Heliosphere | ESA Science |
Central European Satellite for Advanced Research (CESAR'99) | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) |