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Klepsydra Robotics: software framework for high performance and rapid development of space embedded applications

30/09/2018 1679 views 5 likes
ESA / Applications / Technology Transfer

Switzerland’s Klepsydra Robotics is applying advanced techniques from the software industry to optimise embedded space systems in support of cubesats and satellite constellations, and space robotics. Meet Klepsydra Robotics at ESA's Start-ups Zone powered by ESA space solutions at IAC 2018.

Cost-efficient and sustainable
Cost-efficient and sustainable

Klepsydra is a platform independent and lightweight software development toolset for embedded systems. It shortens the development time and reduce hardware costs significantly.

“We design and built Klepsydra by applying an innovative approach consisting in bringing the most advanced technologies and techniques from the software industry – e.g. from high frequency trading, Netflix and Amazon micro services, etc. - into the space and robotics embedded software systems,” says Pablo Ghiglino, CEO and Founder of Klepsydra Robotics.

The main features of the solution are: 

- High performance: Embedded applications usnig Klepsydra can process more data (e.g. high resolution images or high rate sensor data) with the same or even less processing power

- Lightweight, non-intrusive and platform independent: As opposed to most solution in the market, Klepsydra is a high level software solution, making software built with Klepsydra completely reusable in different setups.

- Easy to use and rapid development oriented: One of the strongest feature of Klepsydra is to make the most advanced software technologies available to non-software experts. Moreover, development with Klepsydra can reduce up to 50%.


The core of Klepsydra is an event bus layer that is placed between the customer application and the main aerospace and space communication technologies including: ROS, DDS, ZMQ, CANopen and MPI. It enriches the communication layer with state-of-the-art software technologies and techniques and yet remains lightweight and non-intrusive. It makes application faster, reliable and more importantly increases the software predictability.

“On top of the core module, we have built addons specifics to Space, Aerospace and robotics. We also build custom add-ons upon request,” adds Pablo Ghiglino

The target markets are mainly two: space and aerospace:

  • Aerospace: autonomous outdoor UAVs, on-board image processing, on-board machine learning and swarms of UAVs.
  • Space: cubesat Earth observation, cubesat constellations and space robotics (space debris, asteroid mining, etc.)

Klepsydra is offered in an annual subscription fee, which is based in there levels that are based on add-ons required and number of licenses. For evaluation and non-commercial use, the company offer Klepsydra free of charge.

The Klepsydra Robotics team

”My background is split between 15 years investement banking software development and 12 PhD aerospace engineer with several important publications under my name. With Klepsydra I have tried to merge my experience in both worlds to help the Space sector with its current most urgent software challenges,” explains Pablo Ghiglino.

World's largest ecosystem for space-related entrepreneurship
ESA’s Technology Transfer and Business Incubation Programme Office (TTPO) operates the ‘ESA space solutions’ network of Business Incubation Centres (ESA BICs) and Technology Transfer Brokers offering complete access to all aspects of space-related innovation, technology and intellectual properties and is a gateway to ESA and European space research and developments.

Today, there are 20 ESA BICs in 17 European countries – Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands and UK – forming the largest ecosystem in the world for space-related entrepreneurship.

Over 650 start-ups have been fostered and another 150 new start-ups are taken in yearly at ESA BICs to be supported under the two-years business development boosting programme.

Visit “Start-ups Zone powered by ESA space solutions”
Meet all the start-ups from 1 October until 5 October at the dedicated Start-ups Zone powered by ESA space solutions at IAC 2018 area at IAC 2018.

The Klepsydra Robotics entrepreneurs will be at the Start-ups Zone at IAC 2018 from 3 October noon until 5 October, and be pitching their business 4 October.