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LoReTT: boost teaching by bringing space and satellites into the class room

07/09/2018 4305 views 3 likes
ESA / Applications / Technology Transfer

The Russian start-up LoReTT LLC is an innovative engineering company producing leading-edge education tools to turn space and satellite services into the exciting teaching elements for school children. Meet LoReTT at ESA's Start-ups Zone powered by ESA space solutions at IAC 2018.

“We are transforming school geography into modern "living" science with research and innovation components. We offer the subject of the future and technology for the conscious choice of promising and in-demand professions,” explains Vladimir Gershenzon, Co-founder and Director General of LoReTT.

Vladimir Gershenzon and Olga Gershenzon
Vladimir Gershenzon and Olga Gershenzon

“Our interdisciplinary laboratory `Earth from Space` is a joint activity for geography, informatics, physics, biology and other subjects that will allow to involve schoolchildren in project activities and participation in domestic and international competitions, hackathons, olympiads, conferences and exhibitions.”

Founded in April 2017 with participation of the Internet Initiatives Development Foundation (IIDF - ФРИИ ), LoReTT has since 26 March 2018 been resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Center (Sk Skolkovo) in Moscow.
LoReTT is also economically supported by the Fund for Assistance of Small Innovative Enterprises (Фонд содействия инновациям).

The founders and employees of the company have almost 30 years of experience in the field of creating technologies for receiving, processing and using images of the Earth from space.

They are experts in the Earth remote sensing systems and their applications. In addition to being the developer of the laboratory complex Earth from Space, the the LoReTT company also provides the advanced Lenticularis and Milk Thistle solutions for receiving Earth remote sensing data from space and the MODIS Real Time Service for meteorological purposes.

Education Laboratory Complex "LoReTT" brings real space results to school children

The educational laboratory complex "LoReTT", upon which the interdisciplinary laboratory `Earth from Space` is based, is designed to receive, demodulate, decode, record and process digital information, transmitted from spacecrafts in low Earth orbits via X-band radio channels.

It provides a stable signal reception from the Terra, Aqua, Suomi NPP, JPSS, FengYun-3A/3B/3C, EROS-B, Kanopus-V, RADARSAT-2, COSMO-SkyMed-1/…/4, TerraSAR-X and many others satellites, in a radius about 200 km of its location.

The `Earth from Space` tool can be used in educational and innovative projects in three areas:

  • be used as a constructor for engineering education;
  • be the basis for an interdisciplinary laboratory project providing the for acquire access to very high spatial resolution data in real time;
  • be the tool for developing services and mobile applications. It can also be the basis for collective activities and for domestic and international hackathons.

Equipment & Services for the Meteorological Market

The Lenticularis laboratory is a ground station designed to receive, store and process data from meteorological satellites.

It receives, demodulates, decodes, records and processes digital data transmitted from meteorological spacecrafts in low Earth orbits via the L-band. It can receive data from the Meteor-M #2, NOAA, MetOp and FengYun-3 satellites in radius of about 400 km from its location and automatic data recording on computer disk.

Milk Thistle X-band Ground Station for Remote Sensing of the Earth

The ground receiving station Milk Thistle is designed to receive, demodulate, decode, record and process digital information, transmitted from spacecrafts in low Earth orbits via X-band radio channels.

The station provides a stable signal reception in the whole upper hemisphere, from 5 degrees of angular altitude, from the Terra, Aqua, Suomi NPP, JPSS, FengYun-3A/3B/3C, Resurs-P, Kanopus V, Aist-2D, Landsat 8, Pleiades-1A, 1B, SPOT 6,7, EROS B, RADARSAT-2, COSMO-SkyMed 1-4, TerraSAR-X, International Space Station's video camera Iris, PlanetScope, OptiSar, UrtheDaily and many others. It can be controlled remoetely and automatically receive in a radius up to 3,000 km from its location.

MODIS Real Time Service

MODIS real time data service
MODIS real time data service

LoReTT provides users with meteorological data, even on cloudy days, with their MODIS real time data service.

This includes space imagery and information products obtained from the MODIS radiometers on the Terra and Aqua spacecraft.

The data are provided online 24/7 using the FTP protocol. The approval of the method and verification of the results were carried out jointly with the Institute of Radar Meteorology (IRAM) in Sankt Petersburg, Russia.

Located at the Skolkovo centre in its entrepreneural boosting environment since March this year has provided LoReTT with a great opportunity to propel the company forward towards further growth.

The Skolkovo Innovation Center is a key Russian development project at Skolkovo near Moscow. The strategic goal of the centre is to concentrate international intellectual capital, thereby stimulating the development of break-through projects and technologies, and foster start-up companies.

Start-ups Zone powered by ESA space solutions at IAC 2018

ESA's Technology Transfer and Business Incubation Office (TTPO) with its ESA space solutions network presents 24 start-ups from Europe, Canada, Japan and Russia, 14 fostered at one of the ESA Business Incubation Centres – the ESA BICs, at the 69th International Astronautical Conference (IAC 2018) in Bremen, 1-5 October 2018.

The Start-ups Zone powered by ESA space solutions provides a look into great examples of aerospace technology systems and services developed by start-ups with visionary goals.

At pitching sessions on 2/10 and 4/10, the start-ups will present their business ideas and the Head of ESA TTPO Frank M. Salzgeber will present the potential of re-using already existing space technologies and ESA's Intellectual Properties as well as Europe's Earth observation and navigation services by start-ups and how their solutions can improve our lives here on Earth.

World's largest ecosystem for space-related entrepreneurship
ESA’s Technology Transfer and Business Incubation Programme Office (TTPO) operates the ‘ESA space solutions’ network of Business Incubation Centres (ESA BICs) and Technology Transfer Brokers offering complete access to all aspects of space-related innovation, technology and intellectual properties and is a gateway to ESA and European space research and developments.

Today, there are 20 ESA BICs in 17 European countries – Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands and UK – forming the largest ecosystem in the world for space-related entrepreneurship.

Over 650 start-ups have been fostered and another 150 new start-ups are taken in yearly at ESA BICs to be supported under the two-years business development boosting programme.

Visit “Start-ups Zone powered by ESA space solutions”

Meet all the start-ups from 1 October until 5 October at the dedicated Start-ups Zone powered by ESA space solutions area at IAC 2018.

LoReTT entrepreneurs will be at the Start-ups Zone at IAC 2018 from 1 October until 3 October noon, and be pitching their business 2 October.

ESA BICs - 20 centres in 17 European countries
ESA BICs - 20 centres in 17 European countries