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Sputnix: manufactures components for small satellites, cubesat platforms aerospace and education equipment

30/09/2018 2768 views 7 likes
ESA / Applications / Technology Transfer

The Russian Sputnix manufactures high-tech nanosatellite and microsatellite components, microsatellite and cubesat platforms with ground test benches and equipment for aerospace education.  Meet Sputnix at ESA's Start-ups Zone powered by ESA space solutions at IAC 2018.

Sputnix Tabletsat
Sputnix Tabletsat

In 2014 the company`s first microsatellite named TabletSat-Aurora was launched into space. The remote sensing satellite was built on the basis of the Sputnix designed microsatellite platform TabletSat.

The platform TabletSat is a set of on-board systems and structural elements sufficient for the development of microsatellites with a mass of up to 200 kg.

Sputnix OrbiCraft satellite functional kit
Sputnix OrbiCraft satellite functional kit

In 2018 the company has sent into space the scientific and educational satellites SiriusSat-1 and SiriusSat-2. These satellites were assembled by students. They were designed in cooperation with Sputnix specialists on the basis of the company`s cubesat platform OrbiCaft-Pro.

The satellites were brought to the International Space Station in July 2018 and deployed during an EVA from ISS in August 2018. Both satellites transmits telemetry and scientific data for studying "space weather".

Integration of the Sputnix satellite before launch
Integration of the Sputnix satellite before launch

The testing facilities for the development and production at Sputnix allow for conducting studies of the dynamics of the space vehicles, to check the algorithms and software of the motion control system.

Sputnix specialists have experience in creating components and satellites, integrating spacecraft into launch vehicles, launch into space and the in-orbit operation.

Sputnix want to share this experience with the younger generation, as well as with students, in particular to with those who want to become aerospace engineers. 

The company produces therefore products that will provide an opportunity to visually study the principles of designing, assembling and testing of spacecraft, controlling them in space, as well as investigating the principles of rocket flight.

Sputnix technologies used to educate students
Sputnix technologies used to educate students

In addition, with the help of Sputnix` ground receiving stations, it is easy for students to learn how to receive data and telemetry from real satellites in orbit.

The Sputnix team

The Sputnix start-up company is a resident at the business innovation centre «Skolkovo» near Moskow.

World's largest ecosystem for space-related entrepreneurship
ESA’s Technology Transfer and Business Incubation Programme Office (TTPO) operates the ‘ESA space solutions’ network of Business Incubation Centres (ESA BICs) and Technology Transfer Brokers offering complete access to all aspects of space-related innovation, technology and intellectual properties and is a gateway to ESA and European space research and developments.

Today, there are 20 ESA BICs in 17 European countries – Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands and UK – forming the largest ecosystem in the world for space-related entrepreneurship.

Over 650 start-ups have been fostered and another 150 new start-ups are taken in yearly at ESA BICs to be supported under the two-years business development boosting programme.

Visit “Start-ups Zone powered by ESA space solutions”
Meet all the start-ups from 1 October until 5 October at the dedicated Start-ups Zone powered by ESA space solutions at IAC 2018 area at IAC 2018.

The Russian Sputnix entrepreneurs will be at the Start-ups Zone at IAC 2018 from 3 October noon until 5 October, and be pitching their business 4 October.