ESA title
Mercator projections of Huygens’s view at different altitudes
Science & Exploration

Huygens probe descent - multilingual CD-rom

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Space Science / Cassini-Huygens

A multilingual version of the Huygens Descent movies is now available, thanks to a collaboration between Europlanet and ESA. Currently the CD-rom contains six languages: English, French, German, Greek, Polish, Finnish.

Other languages are being added and are downloaded from a web server when the CDROM is started on a computer connected to the internet.

The zipped CDROM content is available for download, both for PC and for Mac:



Both files are 150 Mb in size and may take some time to download.
To run, simply download and unzip the desired version (PC or Mac) and start the file "huygens".

The original versions of the movies as released in May 2006, together with the detailed captions, are still available and can be accessed by clicking Landing on Titan – the new movies.

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