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Enabling & Support

Call for Media: ‘Metallurgy Europe’ – investing one billion euros into metals research and manufacturing

02/09/2014 6210 views 18 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology

European industry has decided to ‘put the pedal to the metal’, by creating the world's largest research consortium in the field of metals research and manufacturing. Media are invited to learn about the new programme in a press conference at London’s Science Museum on 9 September.

Aptly called Metallurgy Europe, the R&D programme will be funded to the tune of one billion euros over seven years.

The programme has recently been selected as a new Eureka Cluster, and it will now integrate the skills, ingenuity and energy of over 170 companies and laboratories from across 20 countries.

Some of the largest engineering companies in Europe have joined forces, including the likes of Airbus Group, BP, Siemens, Daimler, Rolls-Royce, BMW, Thales, AvioAero, PSA Group, BAE Systems, Philips, Ruag, Sener, Bombardier, OHB Systems, Linde Group, ESI, Rolex, Richemont, ArcelorMittal, Sandvik, Bruker, SKF, Johnson Matthey, Tata Steel, GKN, Boston Scientific, ThyssenKrupp, Outokumpu, Haldor Topsøe and Fiat to name just a few of the major players on board.

Over 60 small and medium-sized companies are also teaming up.

ESA, and a number of European organisations such as the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL), the European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) and the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE-ITER), are also providing their unique expertise and innovation to this initiative.

Many breakthrough discoveries are expected in this domain that could be worth billions of euros to the European economy. Several tech start-ups and new factories have already been created in preparation for the mass manufacturing of the new alloys and products

"This new programme allows us to enter the high-tech metals age," says Prof. David Jarvis, the Chairman of Metallurgy Europe and Head of Strategic and Emerging Technologies at ESA.

"The top management of industry have come together for the first time on this important topic, and there is a confident feeling that Metallurgy Europe will deliver many unique, exciting and profitable technologies," continues Prof. Jarvis.

The team believes that the programme has the potential of creating over 100 000 new jobs in the materials, manufacturing and engineering sectors. 

Programme and location

9 September
09:30 Doors open 10:00 Start of press conference
10:05 Welcome
10:10 Speech by Government representatives
10:20 Speech by Head of Eureka
10:30 Metallurgy Europe presentation by Prof. D. Jarvis, Chairman of Metallurgy Europe
11:00 Q&A with journalists
11:10 Individual interviews
12:00 End

Science Museum
Director’s Suite
Exhibition Road,
South Kensington
London SW7 2DD
Underground: South Kensington

For further information and for media who wish to attend the press conference please contact:

Communication Office
Rosita Suenson
Tel: + 31 652 062 158

For further information on the Science Museum, please contact:

Press officer
Laura Singleton

Tel:  020 7942 4364