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ESA / Applications / Connectivity and Secure Communications / ARTES

Satellite communications is the economic engine of the space industry, representing a substantial segment of the global satellite economy. ESA’s programme of Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems (ARTES) seeks to keep European and Canadian industry at the leading edge of this fiercely competitive global market by nurturing innovation.

Through ESA’s support, industry can pursue research and development that would otherwise not be economically viable. Growing new space-enabled applications and services stimulates the wider economy, creating new business and jobs across almost every industry.

Services using space capabilities benefit society on a daily basis and on a global and local scale, such as improving education in rural areas, assisting search and rescue, providing remote healthcare and monitoring natural resources and the environment.

The ARTES programme transforms investment in research and development into successful commercial products and services by offering varying degrees of support to projects with different levels of operational and commercial maturity.

ARTES has three branches: 

  • Support and development of new or next-generation satellite telecommunication products and technologies up to their first flight opportunity is part of Core Competitiveness
  • ESA’s Partnership Projects with satellite operators and manufacturers supports co-funding to share the risk that comes with investing in new technologies. This accelerates their introduction to the market, keeping Europe ahead in satellite telecommunications
  • Business Applications develops everyday applications and services that use satellite telecommunications technology to improve existing solutions or fill the gaps left by terrestrial ones

ESA’s Telecommunications and Integrated Applications also works alongside other public entities such as the European Union, Eurocontrol and the European Defence Agency. It also collaborates on various levels with national space agencies across ESA's Member States.

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