ESA title
Artemis in testing at ESTEC

Artemis vital statistics

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ESA / Applications / Connectivity and Secure Communications

Satellite characteristics

at launch
3,100 kg
Power consumption 2.5 kW
Height 4.8 metres
Length 25 metres
(solar array tip to tip)
Width 8.0 metres
(with antennas deployed)
Launch 2001
Lifetime 10 years
Orbital position 21.5°E
Mobile payload
Coverage Europe (to Urals), North Africa & Middle East
Frequency bands 1.5 GHz (L-band) to/from mobiles
12/14 GHz (Ku-band) to/from fixed Earth stations
Voice channels <360 bi-directional (eurobeam)
<662 bi-directional (spotbeam)
Mobile terminal
antenna size
20 cm by 40 cm
Data relay payload
Coverage Approx. 65% of orbits
Feeder/downlink coverage Western Europe
Inter orbit link
(S-band 2GHz)
1 Mbps in the forward direction
(i.e. Artemis to low altitude spacecraft)
3 Mbps in the return direction
(i.e. low altitude spacecraft to Artemis)
Ka-Band (23/26 GHz) 10 Mbps in the forward direction
3 x 150 Mbps in the return direction
Optical (0.8nm) 2 Mbps in the forward direction
50 Mbps in the return direction
Navigation payload
Coverage global (specifically Europe)
Mass 25 kg
Power 110 W
Antenna (downlink) horn antenna
(uplink) LLM antenna (2.8 m Ø)
Frequency band (downlink) 1.6 GHz (L-band)
(uplink) 14 GHz (Ku-band)

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