The Redsat processor is a crucial element of SmallGEO’s first mission, the Hispasat 36W-1 telecom satellite.
It is a regenerative onboard processor that can provide next-generation Internet broadband with much improved signal quality and speed thanks to a number of new attributes.
Firstly, Redsat’s Direct Radiating Antenna (DRA), which can service four reconfigurable areas over the visible Earth at once, using 36 MHz Ku-band communication beams.

Secondly, Redsat is capable of processing all four of those channels at once, and can convert any data received in the DVB-RCS standard to the newer Digital Video Broadcasting Second Generation DVB-S2 standard.
Redsat was developed by Thales Alenia Space (ES) with flight units built by TAS and EADS CASA Espacio (ES). The Hispasat 36W-1 prime TESAT (DE) integrated and tested the Redsat equipment with the H36W-1 payload, which includes Tryo Aerospace (ES) equipment that operates in Ka- and Ku-bands.