ESA title
Science & Exploration

Concordia Announcement of Opportunity

04/10/2011 17720 views 2 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Concordia

Concordia Announcement of Opportunity for Medical, Physiological and Psychological Research Using Concordia Antarctic Station as Human Exploration Analogue (AO-11-Concordia).

Letter of Intent due:
4 November 2011

Proposal due:
9 January 2012

Summary for the Concordia Research Opportunity

The Human Spaceflight and Operations Directorate of the European Space Agency, in cooperation with the Concordia Steering Committee, is announcing an opportunity to propose investigations in medicine, physiology and psychology, using the unique environment of Concordia station as a Human Exploration analogue.

Eligibility: The scientific institution for which the coordinator of a proposal is working must be located in one of the ESA member or associated member states that contribute to the ELIPS programme: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland. Scientists from ESA Member States that do not contribute to the ELIPS Programme (presently Finland, Portugal, Luxemburg and the United Kingdom), and scientists from other European countries having a cooperation agreement with ESA, are encouraged to enquire with their national space organisation about the conditions for their participation in proposals to ESA. While it is not a formal requirement, it is, due to the organisation of Concordia operations, highly recommended that the research teams include French and/or Italian scientists.

Submission of Letters of Intent and proposals will be done electronically. The LoI and the proposal must use the template from the AO website. Submission of LoI and proposal will be as PDF to the email address:

For questions related to this announcement of opportunity please contact:

Dr. Oliver Angerer
Tel. +31 71 565 3728
Announcement-specific email:

Important dates:

Letter of Intent due: 4 November 2011
Proposal workshop (at ESA/ESTEC, NL): 21 November 2011
Proposals due: 9th of January 2012

Implementation schedule: Depending on their complexity, some selected proposals may already be implemented for the winter-over season 2013, implying shipping of equipment, crew training etc in autumn 2012. The other selected ones will be implemented in the following seasons.

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