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National Space Legislations

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“Law on the Activities of Launching, Flight Operations or Guidance of Space Objects”
Law of 17 September 2005 (original versions)
Law of 17 September 2005 (unofficial translation)
“Royal Implementing Decree”
Royal Decree of 19 March 2008 (original version)
Royal Decree of 19 March 2008 (unofficial translation)


“Law Establishing the National Centre for Space Studies”
Law n. 61-1382 of 19 December 1961 (original version)
“Decree Concerning the Creation of the Space Committee”
Decree 89-508 of 19 July 1989 as amended (original version)
“Law Concerning Space Operations”
Law n. 2008-518 of 3 June 2008 (original version)
Law n. 2008-518 of 3 June 2008(unofficial translation offered to the Journal of Space Law)


“Law Governing the Transfer of Responsibilities for Space Activities”
Law of 8 June 1990 as amended (original version)
“Satellite Data Security Act”
Law of 23 November 2007 (original version)
Law of 23 November 2007 (unofficial translation)


"Decree Concerning the Reorganization of the Italian Space Agency (A.S.I.)”
Legislative Decree n. 128 of 4 June 2003 (original version)
“Law on the Establishment of the Italian Space agency”
Law n.186 of 30 May 1988
“Law on Registration of space objects”
Law n. 153 of 12 July 2005
“Law for the implementation for the Convention on International Liability for damages caused by space objects”
Law n. 23 of 25 January 1983 (original version)
Law n. 23 of 25 January 1983 (unofficial translation)
List of institutional documents concerning the Italian space activities


“Order Concerning Licence Applications for the Performance of Space Activities and the Registration of Space Objects”
Order of 7 February 2008
“Space Objects Registry Decree”
Decree of 13 November 2007
“Space Activities Act”
Bill of 24 January 2007
“Space Activities Act”
Bill of 13 June 2006 (English version provided by the Netherlands)


“Act on Launching Objects from Norwegian Territory in Outer Space”
Act n. 38 of 13 June 1969 (unofficial translation)


“Regulations of Russian Space Agency”
Resolution n. 468 of 15 May 1995 (unofficial translation)
“Regulations of Russian Federation on Space Activities”
Resolution n. 314 of 26 June 2004 (original version)
“Decree on Measures to Fulfil the Russian Federal Space Program and International Space Agreements”
Decree n. 422 of 12 April 1996 (unofficial translation)
“Statute on Licensing Space Operations”
Resolution n. 104 of 2 February 1996 (unofficial translation)
“Edict on the Organization of Further Utilization of the Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Interests of the Russian Federation’s Space Activity”
Presidential Edict n. 2005 of 24 October 1994 (unofficial translation)
“Law of the Russian Federation “About Space Activities”
Decree n. 5663-1 of the Russian House of Soviets, 20 August 1993 (unofficial translation)
“Edict on Structure of Management of Space Activities in Russian Federation”
Presidential Edict n. 185 of 25 February 1992 (unofficial translation)


“Royal Decree on the Establishment of a National Registry in Compliance with the Registration Convention”
6058 Royal Decree n. 278 of 24 February 1995


“Ordinance with Instructions for the Space Board”
Ordinance n. 1996:80 of 15 February 1996 (original version)
“Decree on Space Activities”
Decree 1982:1069 of 25 November 1982 (original version)
Decree 1982:1062 of 25 November 1982 (unofficial translation)
“Act on Space Activities”
Act n. 1982:963 of 18 November1982 (original version)
Act n. 1982:963 of 18 November 1982 (unofficial translation)

Updated list of Swedish legislative documents related to space activities (see “Space Exploration”)


“Decree on Provisions for the National Space Agency of Ukraine”
Presidential Decree n. 665/97 of 22 July 1997 as amended in 2006 (original version))
“Decree on the Establishment of the Ukrainian Space Agency”
Decree n. 117 of 29 February 1992 (original version)
“Decree on Space Industry Development”
Decree n. 933/2005 of 10 June 2005 (original version)
“Law on State Support of Space Activities”
Law n. 1559-III of 16 March 2000 (original version)
“Law of Ukraine on Space Activity”
Law of the Supreme Soviet n. 503/96-BP of 15 November 1996 (unofficial translation)


“Outer Space Act 1986”
1986 Chapter 38 of 18 July 1986



"Decree Concerning the Creation, Organization and Functioning of the ASAL”
Presidential Decree n. 02-48 of 16 January 2002 (original version)


"South African National Space Agency Act”
Act n. 36 of 2008
“Space Affaires Amendment Act”
Act 1530 of 6 October 1995
“Space Affairs Act”
Statutes of the Republic of South Africa - Trade and Industry n. 84 of 23 June1993




“Decree Concerning the Creation of the National Commission on Space Activities (CONAE)”
National Decree n. 995 of 28 May 1991 (original version)
“National Space Plan”
National Decree n. 532/2005 (original version)
“Decree Concerning the Establishment of the National Registry of Objects Launched into Outer Space”
National Decree n.125 of 25 July 1995 (original version)

List of Argentina’s legislative documents related to space activities


“Law Establishing the Brazilian Space Agency”
Law n. 8.854 of 10 February 1994 (original version)
“Decree for the Implementation of the Registration Convention”
Decree n. 5.806 of 19 June 2006
“Resolution on Commercial Launching Activities from Brazilian Territory”
Resolution n. 51 of 26 January 2001 (original version)
“Decree that Creates the National System for the Development of Space Agencies”
Decree n. 1.953 of 10 July 1996 (original version)

Updated list of the Brazilian legislative documents related to space activities


“Canadian Space Agency Act”
S.C. 1990, c. 13 as amended (2005)
S.C. 1990, c. 13 as amended (French version)
“Remote Sensing Space Systems Act”
S.C. 2005, c. 45 as amended (2007)
S.C. 2005, c. 45 as amended (French version)


“Decree concerning the Establishment of a Presidential Advisory Committee Known as the Chilean Space Agency”
Supreme Decree n. 338 of 17 July 2001(original version)
Supreme Decree n. 338 of 17 July 2001(unofficial translation)


“Decree 2442 of 2006 on the creation of the Colombian Commission of Space (CCE)”
Decree 2442 of 18 July 2006 (original version)

List of Colombian legislative documents related to space activities


“Law Creating the Mexican Space Agency”
Decree of 2010 (original version)


“The National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958”
Public Law n. 85-568 (as amended in 2008)
“National Space Program”
U.S. Code, Title 42, Chapter 26
"Land Remote Sensing Policy”
U.S. Code Title 15, Chapter 82
“Commercial Space Launch Activities”
U.S. Code Tile 49, Subtitle IX, Chapter 701
“Space Transportation Infrastructures Matching Grants”
U.S. Code Tile 49, Subtitle IX, Chapter 703
“Inventions in Outer Space”
U.S. Code Title 35, Part II, Chapter 10, Section 105



Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) - 2005

APSCO Convention


“Space Activities (approved Scientific or Educational Organizations) Guidelines 2004”
Guidelines of 3 February 2004
“Space Activities Regulations 2001”
Statutory Rules 2001 n. 186 as amended
“Space Activities Act 1998”
Act n.123 of 1998 as amended


“Act Concerning the Creation of the SPARRSO as an Autonomous Organization"
Act n. 29 of 1991


“China Space Activities in 2006”
White Paper of 12 October 2006
“China Space Activities”
White Paper of 15 December 2003
“A Consumer Space Trip Launching Project Permit Management Tentativeness Valve Method"
Order n.12 of 21 November 2002(original version)
“Space Object Registration Management Method"
Order n.6 of 8 February 2001 (original version)
Orders n.6 and n.12 (unofficial translation available on the Journal of Space Law, Vol. 33, 2007, p. 437)

Updated list of Chinese legislative documents related to space activities


“Statute of the Iranian Space Agency” (2005 and 2008)
Available in the Journal of Space Law, Volume 34, Winter 2008, Number 2.


“Law Concerning Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency”
Law n. 161 of 13 December 2002 (not authorized translation)
“Law Concerning the National Space Development Agency of Japan”
Law n. 50 of 23 June 1969 (unofficial translation)
“Fundamental Act of Outer Space”
Law n. 43, 2008 (unofficial translation offered to the Journal of Space Law)


“Space Liability Act”
Law n. 8852 of 21 December 2007 (unofficial translation)
“Space Development Promotion Act”
Law n. 7538 of 31 May 2005
Law n. 7538 of 31 May 2005 (same document but different translation)


Useful links

UNCOPUOS Schematic overview of national regulatory frameworks for space activities (2010)