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Jules Verne, de la science à l'imaginaire

General Space Law Bibliography

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R. Bender
Space transportation liability: national and international aspects. Kluwer Law International. 1997
Launching and operating satellites. Legal issues. 1998

Prof. K.H. Böckstiegel
Project 2001.

Prof. K.H. Böckstiegel, M. Benkö and S. Hobe
Space Law - Basic Legal Documents, ISBN 0-7923-0091-2 looseleaf, 4 volumes, approximately 3650 pages. Eleven International Publishing.

Van Bogaert
Aspects of space law. Kluwer 1986

Carl Christol’s
Space Law, past present and future. Kluwer law 1991. The Modern International Law of Outer Space, edited by Pergamon press (1982).

A. Csabafi
The concept of State Jurisdiction in International Law. M. Nijhhoff. 1971

C. Chaumont
Le droit de l’espace. Que sais je? PUF. 1960-1970

Diederiks Vershoor
An introduction to Space Law. Kluwer 1993, 1997

J. Dutheil de la Rochere
Droit de l’ espace aspects récents. Ed. Pedone. 1988

Eilene Galloway
Foundations of Space Law by Krieger Pub Co; (March 1, 1989)

P.P.C. Haanappel
The Law and Policy of air space and outer space. Kluwer law international. 2003

Nandasiri Jasentuliyana
Manual on space law.
Lee, Roy S.K. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Oceana Publications, 1979, I, xv, 479 p.
Lee, Roy S.K. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Oceana Publications, 1979, II, xvii, 550 p
Lee, Roy S.K. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Oceana Publications, 1979, III, xviii, 689 p.
Lee, Roy S.K. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Oceana Publications, 1979, IV, x, 716 p.
Space law: development and scope. Westport, Ct: Praeger, 1992, xxiii, 281
International space law and the United Nations. Kluwer law International 1999 440.p

Manfred Lachs
The International Law of Outer Space, Recueil, Des Cours III tome 1 13, A.W. Sijthoft : the Netherlands, 1964

M. Marcoff
Traité de droit international public de l’espace. Pedone 1973

K.N. Metcalf
Activities in space, appropriation or use? Iustus Förlag. Uppsale law faculty. 1999

L. Peyrefitte
Droit de l’espace. Dalloz. 1993

L. Ravillon
Les télécommunications par satellite, aspects juridiques LITEC. 1997

Robert F. A. Goedhart
The never ending dispute: delimitation of air space and outer space. Ed. Frontieres. (vol. 4) 1996

K.U. Schrogl
International space law in the making. Frontieres. 1993.
A new impetus for space law making; the 1999 reform of UNCOPUOS and how it works (IISL, Rio de Janeiro. Oct. 2000)

Van Traa, Engelman
Commercial utilisation of outer space /Legal aspects. 1989

H.A. Wassenberg
Principles of outer space law in Hindsight. Martinus Nijhoff. 1991

Zhukov & Kolosov
International Space Law. Praeger Publisher. N.Y 1984