ESA title
Saturn seen in infrared light

Calendar of major upcoming events 2006

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ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law
  • 17 March, ECSL Practitioners Forum: Space Tourism – Legal and Policy Aspects”, ESA HQ, Paris


  • European Rounds of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition ,
  • :
    January (Friday) 13 Registration
    February (Friday) 03 Clarifications
    February (Friday) 24 Memorials
    24/25 April, at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

26 April: Workshop organised by the Belgian NPOC on the Belgian Space Legislation and other comparative examples of national space laws.
The event will take place at the Belgian Parliament in Brussels. The programme will be finalised in the coming weeks and published on the ECSL website.


  • UN COPUOS Scientific and Technical Committee, Vienna, Austria, 23 February-3 March, 2006


  • UN COPUOS Legal Subcommittee, Vienna, Austria, 3-13 April, 2006


  • International Institute for Space Law (IISL)/ECSL Symposium on “Legal Aspects of Disaster Management and the Contribution of the Law of Outer Space”Vienna, Austria, 03 April 2006;


  • UN COPUOS, Vienna, Austria, 7-16 June, 2006


  • Royal Centre for Remote Sensing Morocco (CRTS)/ECSL Workshop on Space Law, Rabat, Morocco, 23/23 June 2006;


  • V Space Conference of the Americas, Quito, Ecuador, July 2006.


  • 15th ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy, 4-15, September 2006, ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands


  • UNESCO/COMEST/ESCL/ESA DG-L/Université Paris XI conference “Legal and Ethical Aspects of Space Exploration”, House of UNESCO, 26-27 October 2006


  • 57th International Astronautical Congress – Valencia, Spain; 15th World Finals of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition, 49th IISL COLLOQUIUM, October 2006,