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ESA Bulletin 127 (August 2006)

27/08/2006 846 views 0 likes
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The launch of MetOp will mark the start of a new era in European satellite meteorology. MetOp-A is Europe's first polar-orbiting satellite dedicated to operational meteorology.
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MetOp will provide data of unprecedented accuracy and resolution on temperature and humidity, wind speed and direction over the ocean, and ozone and other trace gases, making a huge contribution to global weather forecasting and climate monitoring. MetOp-A will also observe land and ocean surfaces and its search-and-rescue service will help ships and aircraft in distress.


The MetOp Satellite
– Weather Information from Polar Orbit
Peter G. Edwards et al.

The Eumetsat Polar System
– A Major Step for Operational Meteorology
Marc Cohen et al.

Preparing MetOp for Work
– Launch, Early Operations and Commissioning
François Spoto et al.

Columbus Begins its Voyage of Discovery
Alan Thirkettle & Bernardo Patti

From Earth to Venus
– Reaching our Sister Planet
Andrea Accomazzo et al.

Vega on the Move
– Heading Towards Qualification
Fabrizio Felici et al.

ConeXpress Orbital Life Extension Vehicle
– A Commercial Service for Communications Satellites
Doug Caswell et al.

The Triumph of GIOVE-A
– The First Galileo Satellite
Javier Benedicto et al.