3rd workshop - 2007
Letter of invitationDraft agendaIMEWG 2007Registration form
2nd workshop - 2006
Agenda & PresentationsParticipants 2006The Spineto Declaration
1st workshop - 2005
SummaryAgenda & PresentationsParticipants 2005
Venue information
Abbazia di Spineto
Aurora artist's impression
Key meeting on long-term space exploration
30 May 2007   Fourteen space organisations from all over the world will gather in Italy to discuss further coordination for long-term space exploration efforts.

Aurora artist's impression
Welcome statement Mrs Di Pippo and Mr Sacotte
Thank you for visiting these web pages. They are meant to give visibility to the reflection, and provide a repository for the resulting material, that major space agencies worldwide are conducting collectively on the issue of space exploration from a global and international cooperation perspective.

Abbazia di Spineto
3rd Workshop on International Cooperation for Sustainable Space Exploration
ESA and ASI have the pleasure of welcoming representatives of the international space agencies and organisations to the 3rd Workshop on International Cooperation for Sustainable Space Exploration to be held in Spineto, Italy, from 29 May to 1 June 2007. More details will follow.
This is an invitation only workshop.

Workshop convenors
Simonetta Di PippoDaniel Sacotte
Jointly organised by:
ASI logo
ESA logo
Related links
ESA Human SpaceflightAurora Exploration Programme