ESA title
Andre Kuipers in the cupola
Science & Exploration

SpaceTweetup with André Kuipers: ask @Astro_Andre

04/04/2012 916 views 0 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / PromISSe

Are you following @Astro_Andre’s Twitter updates and images from space? If you could speak to him live on the International Space Station, what would you most like to ask? Now’s your chance!

ESA is inviting 80 followers of @Astro_Andre to join us for a SpaceTweetup, with André participating live from the Space Station.

The Tweetup will take place in English on 29 May at ESA’s ESTEC research and technology centre in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.

ESA astronaut Christer Fuglesang will introduce participants to the Space Station and André’s PromISSe mission, followed by a tour of the Erasmus Centre and its displays of ESA’s microgravity research platforms. A tour of ESTEC will include the satellite test centre and space simulator.

How to apply

Holland by night, as seen from the ISS
Holland by night, as seen from the ISS

This event is open to Twitter followers of @Astro_André.

Think of what you would most like to ask an astronaut in space. The 10 most interesting and original questions will be selected to be put directly to André Kuipers. And, yes, ‘How do you go to the toilet in space?’ has been asked before!

Please complete the registration form below to apply. Be sure to include your Twitter name and the question you would like to ask André in English.

80 participants will be selected to attend the SpaceTweetup. Selection will be on the basis of your question. Registration is for one person only and is non-transferable. Please do not submit multiple applications. All registrants must be at least 18 years old on 29 May 2012. You must supply a valid and working email address. Please read the full Terms and Conditions before completing your application.

Bonaire, Curacao and Aruba taken by André on request
Bonaire, Curacao and Aruba taken by André on request

Please note that ESA will not cover travel, accommodation or food expenses. The SpaceTweetup will be held mainly in English but tweets during the event will of course be welcome in any language.

Registration closes on 14 April at 12:00 CET.

Register here

The Twitter account for the SpaceTweetup is @Spacetweetup, the hashtag is #AndreTweetup. We’ll use both accounts to post updates and reminders about the event.

Once all applications have been processed, an email with confirmation information and additional instructions will be sent to those selected, and those on the waiting list.

Queries may be addressed to  

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