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Professor Dr. Maureen Williams CV

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Professor Dr. Maureen Williams
Curriculum Vitae (abridged)


  • First law degree, with distinction, Faculty of Law & Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, and subsequently called to the Buenos Aires Bar.
  • M.A. in Air and Space Law, National Institute for Air and Space Law, (INDAE), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Certificat de Spécialisation, Institut des Hautes Études Internationales, Sorbonne, 12 Place du Panthéon, University of Paris.
  • Certificat de Spécialisation, with distinction, Institut d’Études de Relations Internationales Contemporaines, Paris.
  • Diploma on Air and Space Law (postgraduate) , London Institute of World Affairs.
  • Master of Laws (LL.M), University College, London University.
  • Doctor of Law and Social Sciences (PhD), summa cum laude, awarded with honours and Gold Medal (Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires).

RECENT DISTINCTION: National Award (2003) for Research in International Law, Political Sciences and International Relations, Ministry for Science and Technology of Argentina.


  • Professor of International Law, University of Buenos Aires, holder of the chair since 1993 (revalidated in 2002).
  • Senior career scientist, which is the top hierarchy in the career, National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina. Fields of work: International Law and Relations, International Environmental Law, Space Law.
  • President of the International Space Law Committee of the International Law Association, London (since 2001). Formerly general rapporteur of this Committee since 1988.
  • Member, by co-option ad personam, of the Executive Council of the International Law Association (headquarters, London).
  • Professor of International Relations (postgraduate level) at the University of Belgrano, Argentina.
  • Invited professor of International Environmental Law, Tulane University, USA.
  • Director of the Project concerning “International Law and commercial activities in outer space”, University of Buenos Aires (Ubacyt) 2001-2.
  • Participant in “Project 2001 - Legal framework for the Commercial Use of Outer Space” (Cologne University) which now continues as “Project 2001 plus ”.
  • Professor of International Environmental Law (Postgr. Specialisation), University of Buenos Aires and Belgrano University.
  • Professor of “International Law of the Sea”, (Master of Int’l Relations), University of Buenos Aires.
  • Vice President of the Advisory Committee on Law, International Relations and Political Science of the National Council of Scientific Research of Argentina.
  • Member of the Study Group on the Antarctic (with special reference to the ozone protection and other environmental questions), Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI), Argentina.
  • Hon. Member of the Committee on the Environment, CARI. Argentina.
  • Academic Secretary of the "Instituto de Política Ambiental", National Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Supervisor of PhD candidates and assistant researchers and professors. Member of doctoral tribunals since 1985.


  • International Law Association, Headquarters, London (Council member).
  • Institut International de Droit Spatial, Paris.
  • Académie Internationale d’Astronautique.
  • Royal Institute of International Affairs, London.
  • Ibero American Institute of Air and Space Law, Madrid (Council member).
  • Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI), Buenos Aires.
  • Instituto de Política Ambiental, Academia Nacional de Ciencias Políticas y Morales de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Instituto de Derecho Internacional y de la Navegación, Academia Nacional de Derecho y Cs. Sociales de Buenos Aires.
  • Consejo Académico Universitario, Universidad de Belgrano, Argentina
  • Academia Argentina de Ciencias Aeroespaciales, Buenos Aires (académica de número).


The institutions to which Professor Williams belongs and the above-described positions are clearly indicating her topics of interest, namely

  • International Law
  • Space Law
  • International Relations
  • International Environmental Law
  • Ozone Protection
  • International Space Law
  • The Law of the Sea
  • Air Law
  • Earth Observation Satellites

NOTE: Professor Williams was invited to the intergovernmental meeting on The Protection of the Atmosphere” (Ottawa, February 1989) and is co-author of the “Ottawa Declaration of Principles on the Protection of the Atmosphere” adopted by that meeting. Similarly, she headed the ILA delegation of observers to the 1992 Rio Meeting on Environment and Development and was Rapporteur and author at the UNISPACE III Conference (Vienna, July 1999), Session 8 of the Technical Forum (Space Law in the Twenty-First Century), on the topic “Maintaining the Space Environment”. This has been published by the UN in 2000.

Professor Williams's book EL RIESGO AMBIENTAL Y SU REGULACIÓN. LA CAPA DE OZONO, RESIDUOS ESPACIALES, published in Buenos Aires in 1998 by one of the leading publishers in Argentina, i.e Abeledo-Perrot, got excellent reviews in this country, the United Kingdom and Spain.


  • Sovereign Immunity
  • Climate Change (in general, i.e. 1997 Kyoto Protocol)
  • Biological Diversity
  • Intellectual property
  • Integration and community law
  • Dispute Settlement: negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration and adjudication
  • The battle against International Terrorism. Legal and related remedies. Cyber terrorism.
  • All sciences related to the applicant’s primary fields of work, such as astronomics biology, chemistry, physics, economy, political science and so forth.


English, French and Spanish literature, lawn tennis (the undersigned was Argentina’s junior champion, and invited to play at Wimbledon in that capacity), swimming, music and ballet. LANGUAGES Fully bilingual (mother tongues English / Spanish) Very good knowledge of French Good knowledge of Portuguese.


Educated at the Universities of Buenos Aires, Paris and London. Part of research leading to doctoral thesis was carried out at Oxford University.

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