IP Cores Workshop 2005
This page contains the presentations held during the IP-Core workshop on 15th of June 2005.
1st ESA IP Cores Workshop (pdf)
Presentor: Agustin Fernandez-Leon (TEC-EDM/ESTEC/ESA) -
Final Workshop participants (pdf)
Presentor:Participants (E-Mails removed to prevent spamming) -
IP use for space applications (pdf)
Presentor: Nicolas Renaud (Atmel) -
Micro-Art of Technology (pdf)
Presentor: Franco Bigongiari (Aurelia Microelettronica) -
ESA IPs in Actel RTAX-S FPGA: DSP application(s) in plasma physics (pdf)
Presentor: Stephane Davy (LESIA) -
CANopy: A VHDL implementation of CANopen Protocol for CAN Bus On Board Spacecraft (pdf)
Presentor: Francisco Tortosa Lopez (Vitrociset/ESTEC/ESA), Peter Roos (TEC-EDD/ESTEC/ESA) -
General SoC platform (pdf)
Presentor: Mattias Carlqvist (TEC-EDM/ESTEC/ESA) -
IPcores-INTA Workshop (pdf)
Presentor: Daniel Gonzalez Gutierrez (INTA) -
LABEN IP Cores_experience (pdf)
Presentor: Giuseppe Giachella (Laben) -
UoD comments to Crisa Presentation - pt.1(pdf)
Presentor: Chris McClemments (University of Dundee) -
UoD comments to Crisa Presentation - pt.2 :
codec_rxfifo_interface (pdf)
Presentor: Chris McClemments (University of Dundee) -
GRLIB plug&play IP library (pdf)
Presentor: Jiri Gaisler (Gaisler Research) -
CRISA Experience working with ESA IPs (pdf)
Presentor: Juan A. Ortega (EADS Astrium-CRISA) -
SOCCER Project (pdf)
Presentor: Avelino Martin, Juan A. Ortega (EADS Astrium-CRISA)