ESA title
Enabling & Support

LVDS Application Workshop

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ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology / Onboard Data Processing

29 June 2011, ESCAPE Dance Room, ESTEC

The use of LVDS on board of satellites has become more and more popular. For example SpaceWire links are based on LVDS but it is also used for the distribution of many other signal types within a PCB, units and between boxes.

Recently some problems have been observed regarding the reliable operation of LVDS based links on ESA missions. Questions have been raise during ESA project reviews regarding the reliable implementation and verification of LVDS interfaces and connections as well as on their robustness in case of possible failure cases in the system.

The LVDS Application Workshop aims to bring together experts from component vendors, equipment suppliers, system integrators and agencies to discuss experiences, lessons learned and to exchange best practices and ideas for the implementation and testing of LVDS links. The second part of the day will focus on capturing the user needs and requirements for the next generation of LVDS driver/receiver/repeater components and ASIC / FPGA interfaces. This shall cover the LVDS functional and electrical characteristics and the type of components needed in the future. The requirements identified in this part of the workshop may be used as input for future developments in ESA programs.

Workshop Programme

9:00 Welcome (Martin Suess, ESA)

9:10 Component Suppliers LVDS Portfolio and Roadmaps:

  • Aeroflex - LVDS Product Family (Jennifer Larsen, Aeroflex Colorado Springs)
  • Texas Instruments – LVDS Space Products (Yannis Willgers, TI)
  • ST LVDS for Aerospace (Thibault Brunet, ST)
  • 3D Plus – LVDS Product Family (Pierre Xiao WANG, 3D Plus)
  • DARE180 LVDS Cells: Status & Future Developments (Thys Geert, IMEC)
  • Atmel – Wind-Up Report (Bernard Bancelin, Atmel)

10:45 Coffee break

11:00 ESA Project Experiences:

  • LVDS - GAIA experiences (Sam Verstan, ESA)
  • ESA SpW-10X LVDS Signalling Discrepancies Experienced in BepiColombo Project (J. Noyes, ESA)

11:50 LVDS Investigations Performed at ESA:

  • Test of LVDS components used inside an OBC at ESA (Giorgio Magistrati, ESA)
  • Test on SpW Router and Aeroflex Drivers/Receivers for BepiColombo (Giorgio Magistrati, ESA)
  • ESA’s Requirements for future LVDS (Jørgen Ilstad, ESA)

13:00 Lunch break

14:00 LVDS Testing

  • LVDS testing, EMC & ESD, best practice (Steve Parkes, University of Dundee)

14:30 Equipment Supplier's View

  • Problem areas and lessons learned when designing with LVDS (Pasquale Lombardi, Syderal)
  • European LVDS Application Workshop - TAS-I contribution (Gianluca Aranci, TAS-I)
  • RUAG Space experience with LVDS interfaces (Hans Corin, RUAG)

15:15 System Integrator’s View

  • The Use of LVDS on Astrium Satellites (Rajan Bedi, Astrium Ltd)
  • LVDS fields of application at TAS, difficulties encountered and expectations for the future (Jean-Marie Garigue, TAS-F)

16:00 Coffee Break

15:15 Discussion & Conclusions (Martin Suess, ESA)

Workshop Proceedings

The LVDS Application Workshop proceedings containing the presentations can be downloaded via the link in the navigation tool bar.

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