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Glacier analysis using radar imagery
This case study is addressed to advanced students and to those who are especially interested in detailed glacier studies using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). You will learn about the difference between optical and microwave sensors, and you will also be introduced to the concept of backscattering of microwaves on ice and snow surfaces.
Lonquimay Volcano
The Andean Volcanic Belt
The Chilean Andes Mountain Range is part of the so-called "Pacific Ring of Fire". There are several active volcanoes throughout the Cordillera and Chilean regions, from Parinacota in the north to Magallanes in the south. The most active volcanoes are found in the Araucanía Region, which is located 680 km south of Santiago, the capital of Chile.
This Envisat image highlights Lake Chad
The shrinking of Lake Chad
Lake Chad, one of the world’s largest lakes, has been shrinking dramatically since the end of the 1960’s. Climatic parameters, unregulated water exploitation for irrigation farming, as well as high population pressure, have all contributed to the lake shrinking to 10 per cent of its former size.
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