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ESA Council meeting at ministerial level: The Hague, 25/26 November 2008

17/10/2008 1869 views 0 likes
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ESA PR 42-2008. The next ESA Council meeting at ministerial level will take place on 25/26 November in The Hague, the Netherlands, at the World Forum, Churchillplein 10, 2517 JW.

Provisional press programme:

Tuesday 25 November


08:00 - Accreditation starts at Press Centre.

Note: Media representatives must submit their completed accreditation form to the ESA Media Relations Office no later than Monday 10 November. To obtain the personal access badge, the passport or national ID card whose number is given on the accreditation form must be shown. No other means of identification will be accepted.


08:45 - Photo opportunity in main Conference Room for photographers and camera crew.
09:00 - Opening of meeting (no media attendance).
11:15 - Press briefing: introduction to the Council deliberations (ESA Spokesperson).
13:00 - Lunch break.
14:15 - Photo opportunity (group picture of Ministers).
14:30 - Meeting resumes.
18:30 - End of meeting.
18:45 - Briefing at Press Centre (ESA Director General or ESA Spokesperson).
21:00 - Press Centre closes.

Wednesday 26 November


08:30 - Press Centre opens.
09:00 - Continuation of meeting, programme subscriptions, final discussions.
12:30 - Expected end of meeting
12:30 - Press conference (ESA Director General and Chair of Council at ministerial level)
18:00 - Press Centre closes

All requests for interviews should be addressed to the ESA Media Relations Officers at the Press Centre. Special locations will be available for TV / radio interviews.

A background information note covering the objectives and programmatic aspects for debate and tabled for decision at the meeting will be issued separately by early November.

For accreditation, please fill in the attached form (linked from right navigation bar) and return it to: ESA Media Relations Office, Paris, France – Email: brigitte.kolmsee @

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