ESA title
CubeSat UWE-1

Educational CubeSats deployed from SSETI Express

28/10/2005 2877 views 0 likes
ESA / Education / SSETI Express

Aboard the SSETI Express satellite, which was launched yesterday morning, were three educational CubeSat satellites each weighing 1kg and measuring 10x10x10cm.







They are:


  • Ncube2 from Norway
  • XI-V from University of Tokyo in Japan
  • UWE-1 from University of Würzburg in Germany
The flight model of CubeSat XI-V
The flight model of CubeSat XI-V

The satellites were successfully deployed from SSETI Express 64 minutes into the mission and so far signals from XI-V and UWE-1 have been successfully received at their respective ground stations.

CubeSat NCube2
CubeSat NCube2

Ncube2 students are still struggling to receive the first life signs from their satellite.

ESA and the SSETI-Association congratulates the cubesat teams on the successful launch and deployment, and wish them the best of luck for the coming operations.

22:20 - SSETI Express in safe mode

SSETI Express
SSETI Express

At 22:20 CEST, SSETI Express went into a safe mode due to an undervoltage caused by battery charging problems. The operations team is working actively to resume nominal operations of the satellite and is receiving tremendous help in the process from the amateur radio community. At the time of the anomaly many mission milestones had already successfully been met.

12:50 - SSETI Express in good health

Ground stations all over the world are confirming acquisition of SSETI Express and first reports are that the spacecraft is in good health. The project team are examining the first data and assessing the stability of the mission. Radio amateurs all over the world are excitedly tuning in, hoping to win the SSETI radio amateur competitions.

"SSETI Express is a big success and we congratulate all the students involved for their outstanding effort," said Neil Melville, SSETI project manager from Plesetsk.

9:15 - SSETI Express launched

Launch of SSETI Express
Launch of SSETI Express

SSETI Express, the satellite designed and built by European university students, was launched this morning at 08:52 CEST from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome on a Russian Kosmos 3M launcher. First stage ignition and second stage separation completed.
Watch the launch replay

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